Aurora Indica Scrog/Screen of Green journal with pics!


Well-Known Member
damn.. lookin good man. your gonna have a NICE harvest! cant wait to see how much you end up with!! gonna be alot.. I can tell ya that!

I never hear anything about adding more hours of light towards the end...? I would be scared it would almost push it back into veg??

I actually heard the complete opposite. lol. I heard you give it an extra hour or 2 of darkness.. and that will make the buds a little fatter, and make them finish quicker.

You should do what I did.... and give your plant some molasses the last 2-3 weeks of flowering. my plant seemed to love it. And its supposed to fatten up the buds by like 20% and it helps break down all the chemical buildup. Just a thought. I did it with mine, and it worked fine.

Keep up the EXCELLENT work man!!


Well-Known Member
damn.. lookin good man. your gonna have a NICE harvest! cant wait to see how much you end up with!! gonna be alot.. I can tell ya that!

I never hear anything about adding more hours of light towards the end...? I would be scared it would almost push it back into veg??

I actually heard the complete opposite. lol. I heard you give it an extra hour or 2 of darkness.. and that will make the buds a little fatter, and make them finish quicker.

You should do what I did.... and give your plant some molasses the last 2-3 weeks of flowering. my plant seemed to love it. And its supposed to fatten up the buds by like 20% and it helps break down all the chemical buildup. Just a thought. I did it with mine, and it worked fine.

Keep up the EXCELLENT work man!!

Mother nature is never really 12/12. It's the dark period that makes them flower. Adjust your lights to 14/10 and see what happens. Outdoors I have plants flowering in late July when the light cycle isn't anywhere near 12/12.

12/12 gaurantees flower, that's all.


Well-Known Member
looks just like mine used to! You going to scrog her? looks about ready to be fimmed! Nice and healthy, off to a great start! good luck!


Well-Known Member
looks just like mine used to! You going to scrog her? looks about ready to be fimmed! Nice and healthy, off to a great start! good luck!
nah im not into scrog, personally u know
im 95% sure im giving her away, but ill prob get a clone back at a later date..
have i repped u yet man?,.. cos ur shit really is legit..
and man ud know wot i mean wen i say just stickin to SIMPLE proven techniques gets u heavy bud,.. i think ppl get this idea that the harder they make it on themselves then the danker they grow,.. anywho, im subbed now:joint:


Well-Known Member
everythings lookin nice man.. cant wait for this harvest!! Your gonna get a SHITLOAD of buds man!! and they're all gonna be HUGE too! Nice big fat colas!! This has turned out to be an amazing grow man..

Its funny tho.. cuz back in the day.. well.. the begining of the year.. we both had the same plans.. grow & flower 2 plants.. an dkeep 1 mother plant... and i enderd up growing 1 WW adn 1 Mystery. and no moher plant.. adn killing off the other mystery plant. lol.... and your grow is different than it was planned to be too.. but my harvest want too bad.. adn i know urs is gonna be amazing!


Well-Known Member
I'm not to sure what I will get for a yield, looks like about 2 1/2-3 oz right now and I only have two weeks left. I'm going to give her a flush tomorrow and from then on its water only, with some snowstorm ultra in it. I will be doing my 7 weeks flowering pic update tomorrow!
Also tonight at 7pm mountain time I think that is 8 or 9pm for us East costers you can join me on Marijuana TV @ Its an online TV show about you guessed it "Marijuana" Every-week they do a virtual tour of Medical Marijuana dispensaries, and they give you up to date legal info. The also let you know about up coming events, and they have a chat room where you can ask questions and become part of the show! I'm there every Thursday Night! Hope to see you all there tonight at 7pm Colorado time! ;)


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I wanted to but I can't. My camera decided to hide from me today, and she is hiding real good. I looked everywhere I thought it might be and more. I hate to think it was I'm going to look some more....Hopefully I'm just stoned and I'll find it later! LOL I probably will...:dunce: BBL


Well-Known Member
Hay y'all, I found my camera! It was right next to where I normaly keep it! lol I bought a 1/4 oz of some Silver Jack last night, its a real nice head high. Good medical strain, just a hit or two and your good. I worked roofing today and I smoked a half a joint before I left the house at 7am and I was high all the way to lunch, and then I recharged with a couple more hits! Nice tight buds, and a good taste! Hope mine is just as good or better! I would like to give you all a pic update but by the time I found my camera the lights were off for the night. I'll do it tomorrow night when I get off of work! Thanks ! later!


Well-Known Member
:shock: My God, look at the Stem on that plant!

My mate StreetLegal put me onto this thread.. Which is quite convenient, as someone recently gave me an AI plant ;-)
I'm gunna leave a little Love in ur +Rep Box!


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone! I just got home from work! I'm going to smoke first, then take some pics! After that I will pic update tonight!
Yea a wicked thick trunk on her, I get that a lot...I'll take a pic with a Bic lighter next to it!!