Aurora Selling Greenhouse in Ontario with writedowns of up to 2 billion expected


Well-Known Member
:lol: :lol: Just like i said, when they cant dilute and sell anymore shares they need to start selling assets! Let the fire sales begin!!
Too funny they never even grew anything in it......hahahaha. Chip...chip...chip......away at all these bastard LP's.
Until they are all in the ditch or gutter.
BOYCOTTING.... is so easy....and so satisfying! I'm only one little guy but us little guys can add up to a whole lot of trouble for a business.
Apparently they want $17 million, wait long enough and it'll go for a fraction of that.
Paid over 2 billion for medreleaf and that greenhouse was there main asset. They put out a release saying it wasn’t up to their standards and would cost too much to renovate hahaha, why’d you buy it then? Amazing that clowns still believe what this company peddles and buys stock.
Too funny. They all thought they were buying a golden goose. But in reality they bought a dead seagull with maggots in the eyes.
Pay billions ...sell it for millions.....fuck that's some smart executives these companies have there......hahahahahahahahahahaha
You would think they know because they are running the same scam? But, really though it was just about the battle to be the Ponzi King and golden parachute off the top. They are the smartest guys in the room for as long as they can keep the scam running.
You would think they know because they are running the same scam? But, really though it was just about the battle to be the Ponzi King and golden parachute off the top. They are the smartest guys in the room for as long as they can keep the scam running.

None of these guys really care, they'll blame the BM during the tailspin and come out the other side with bonuses and a phat severance package, while investors and employees take the beating.

Let them eat dick!!