Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
You can definitely put two or more together. Though if you've got a very large scrubber. I'd recommend the chunky cables at the very least.

As for your tent gigz. 180cm is perfectly fine. That's about the height I'm looking at building the next grow box. 70cm sq base too. That way it'll fit in the standard doorway easy.


Well-Known Member
You can definitely put two or more together. Though if you've got a very large scrubber. I'd recommend the chunky cables at the very least.

As for your tent gigz. 180cm is perfectly fine. That's about the height I'm looking at building the next grow box. 70cm sq base too. That way it'll fit in the standard doorway easy.
thats a good idia


Well-Known Member
You don't need a heap of $ for a grow just have to be smart about what you spend it on
true im saving a bit on the coco grow i think the ppm meter the only thing im paying for that im not being a tight ass gunna get the liter bottle instead of the 5liter and im only getting the grow for now lol im considering skippi g on the perlight tbh im gunna be growing in fabric on a heating pad plus im probly not going 2 get the beans fo another 1 or 2 weeks so im prob going to transplant one of the seedling in it first ans see how it goas i defanetly dont wanna be one of those people who unless spent a small furtune on every thing fail iv pretty mutch got a good plan on how im gunna make it all work or as u call it magyvering lol


Well-Known Member
if any one else i doing a coco grow or wants to im using a brand called hy gen for the coco im also using the same brand for the nutes hy gen coco corocopia its a on part nutient there is one for veg and one for bloom and a blue lab for the ppm meter i like the fact u dont have 2 callabrate it if thay had a ph met that was the same australia would be fucken flooded with weed but for now ill stick with my little midget tent