Aussie Growers Thread

Coco, ur plants always look healthy.
They haven't always lol I don't freak if they have a little spot here or there I just slightly vary there feed it's a little tricky doing multiple varieties none of which I've grown before but I feed all the same mix and any fussy ones either deal with it or get pulled,unless they have something special about them
Coco is deceiving us luke...every plant from indoors looks healthy when put outside for a photo..its what they look like after a full month outside that tells the truth
They only come in of a night lol a bit like a spoiled dog. My grow room is doubling as my ensuite I've got a 48w compact fluorescent hanging by a lead through the down light hole for supplemental lighting,it's Ghetto tek at its best
i get ur point but at at then end of the day teres not 100 things in the nute line up plus its cheap im defenetly buying the humic and fulvic becouse it can be use in soil to so my seedlings mifjt start actually growing plus i can use it outside i get what ur saying and i agree but im thinking the nute mixing ill gain a better understanding and ultimatly i think it will make me better under stand how diferent amendments work and half of the other addatives thay make are more micro and macros vs just npk if i wanted biiger buds id simply use more bloom as mutch as i could without burning her vs the monnirol adda tives idk im just tryng to distract my self i guess all i can do is give it a go im gunna keep doing this strain so i can see what she can handle i did manage 2 find there website again i get ur poing but there no where near as bad as an pluss i rekon there nuteients are a pretty reasonable price
i get ur point but at at then end of the day teres not 100 things in the nute line up plus its cheap im defenetly buying the humic and fulvic becouse it can be use in soil to so my seedlings mifjt start actually growing plus i can use it outside i get what ur saying and i agree but im thinking the nute mixing ill gain a better understanding and ultimatly i think it will make me better under stand how diferent amendments work and half of the other addatives thay make are more micro and macros vs just npk if i wanted biiger buds id simply use more bloom as mutch as i could without burning her vs the monnirol adda tives idk im just tryng to distract my self i guess all i can do is give it a go im gunna keep doing this strain so i can see what she can handle i did manage 2 find there website again i get ur poing but there no where near as bad as an pluss i rekon there nuteients are a pretty reasonable price
I don't think you got what I was saying I'm saying $30+ for a litre of humic or fulvic is pure stupidity when you can buy it for a third of the price (that's only a 5L cheaper if you get a 20L) from elsewhere,that's if you even think you need humic in coco,it won't hurt but I'm not sure it will help. And no adding more bloom definitely won't automatically build you bigger buds. You ever used Advanced nutrients ? Their base is some of the best I've used
This is about the best quality fulvicfulvic and humic yo can find 5L of each would cost less than $60 I think that's a more reasonable price