Aussie Growers Thread

i never told her about about the petroll i did when she came home and wanted 2 no why the leundry reeked of it btw wasent tryng to use petrol in the flesh light i was filling up the snipper an a splash landed in th the worst possable spot and i lef out the flesh light part to i just sied mum i got that deep freede on my jung wtf do i do lol my mum aint dirty or nothing but shes got a good sense of humer and shes pretty laid back
Should of told your Aunty ;)
what should i get for a ten liter or a 3 liter milk jug then
You can't have too much air in a compost tea, I'm looking at over a litre of air per litre of water per minute so for a 10L brewer I'd get an air pump rated at AT LEAST 10L per minute(600L per hour) or bigger but I'm no expert that's just the numbers I'm working with but bigger is better when it comes to air pumps
lol im not a troll i type 2 fast im on a ipad i acidently hit wron key plus cuse im me i look and dont realized but im stoked i make use laugh i dont care if its at me or with me lol i only troll people on gta online nothings funnier when u kill some one and thay stard raging over the chat lol
What's your GTA I'll get my boy and his mates to go after you lol