Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
for me tho i aint got a car yet so i cant just go and geab shit for convenience tho i might buy that new thing thay had it was 100 dollers tho i dont see y i need it tho im thinking i coudld use the canna terra if got and make teas especially if im only really after the minarals but i think im under the wron imresion here in my mind mainly after what if read about minirals affecting terpines anshit like if its got all these minarols it will bring out all thes different terpines n shit but in reality i think ill just probably use what soil if got in the tumbler and the canna terra and just keep reusing that and re amending and using teas also if it really needed somthing the plant would have some kind of deficency so fuck it ill probky just stick with the soil and probly just go for watever is the most simple way 2 suply what the plant needs


Well-Known Member
So this is asking a bit much but if I put an order of beans in soon anychance one of you non queenslanders would let me ship to your place and send to me. It's just one of my mates was nabbed from feds because Queensland branch Ozzy post intercepted his order and gave his info to the cops and he signed for an empty package. I will gladly get some beans of your interest so you can take a few.. Like I said asking a bit much and I won't be offended if no one wants to.


Well-Known Member
So this is asking a bit much but if I put an order of beans in soon anychance one of you non queenslanders would let me ship to your place and send to me. It's just one of my mates was nabbed from feds because Queensland branch Ozzy post intercepted his order and gave his info to the cops and he signed for an empty package. I will gladly get some beans of your interest so you can take a few.. Like I said asking a bit much and I won't be offended if no one wants to.
You should never get international tracked and signed and never to a place where u grow


Well-Known Member
The house is under investigation as to the actual occupancy. Another words they dont believe the listed residents to be the ones here. Particularly the one who's house it is.


Well-Known Member
There's some filthy mole that lives on the corner. I can't stand the bitch. She bums around our end of town, asking people for things she should be able to afford.

If she's not doing that. She'll either be sitting out the front of her house screaching along to her obnoxiously loud music. Or doing it inside. But still audible from where I live.

I normally give the cunt of a thing the finger. Or tell it to fuck off back to the gutter. As it used to come round to bum ciggies and drink all the fuckin coffee then leave.

Also. It used to try cracking onto me. As it doesnt know how else to get anywhere in life. Bar, acting like a cheap slut. Trading sexual favors for things it wants.


Well-Known Member
I only just got rid of our local smack who're. It's a hard thing to do believe it or not. Cops are no help but real-estate will do something if they are lowering house prices around the area