Aussie Growers Thread

some solid advice right there idk i think ill just keep on trucken like i said i dont really give a fuck about money but ill probably just keep on honing my skills hopefully in a few years ill know enough to breed a strain of my own oneday thated be cool
So far this season just on my personal stuff I’ve spent about $1000 on seeds,$500 on soil,$150 on irrigation and still have to buy tanks that’s $450 about $350 on fertilisers and will end up spending almost twice that by the end of the season and if I had to add my time into it it’s not a huge earner,as long as it pays for itself I’m not overly concerned about making $ on that grow if I could I’d take my holiday and spend the whole season on the Hill it’s my favourite thing I do in life.
fuck i really wanna do this for a living like i know 100 percent i can get out and work im not fit at all i could do what i had to fuck it its what i love but ill be fucked if i can get thrue this horticulture course still havent got thru the 1st assignments i just cant read long winded science shit like i gotta take my hat of to all the cunts keep taking this 2 the next level man like thos jah earth dude fucken inspired me but i think ill get comfey with this new seasoll program maybe the bit of biocanna i got left lol im out of boost im def not paying for another bottle lol but ye the pics on there if are pretty cool if youre into flowers and veges n stuff lol i am
fuck i really wanna do this for a living like i know 100 percent i can get out and work im not fit at all i could do what i had to fuck it its what i love but ill be fucked if i can get thrue this horticulture course still havent got thru the 1st assignments i just cant read long winded science shit like i gotta take my hat of to all the cunts keep taking this 2 the next level man like thos jah earth dude fucken inspired me but i think ill get comfey with this new seasoll program maybe the bit of biocanna i got left lol im out of boost im def not paying for another bottle lol but ye the pics on there if are pretty cool if youre into flowers and veges n stuff lol i am
See if they have study aides like a version of the notes you can listen to instead of reading it,some people find it sinks in better when they hear something rather than read it
Sounds like a good plan,there’s some good bagged potting mixes around searls do a really good one called “organic kick along” you could just add some perlite,gypsum and kelp meal and it’d be a very nice mix
ill look into that cheers i think my local bunnings only had scotts osmacote fuck that shit i was just gunna get i think it was yates or ritchgrow or somthing then add equal parts airation and compost eather way will be simple as fuck lol i still got that alfalfa meal and neem coming 2 ill prob hold onto it for now i dont wanna use fuck all but abit of water thats it and i wanna see how thay go seem 2 be doing good tho
So far this season just on my personal stuff I’ve spent about $1000 on seeds,$500 on soil,$150 on irrigation and still have to buy tanks that’s $450 about $350 on fertilisers and will end up spending almost twice that by the end of the season and if I had to add my time into it it’s not a huge earner,as long as it pays for itself I’m not overly concerned about making $ on that grow if I could I’d take my holiday and spend the whole season on the Hill it’s my favourite thing I do in life.
Well except for going to the casino lol and dirty sluts but definitely top 3:)
ill look into that cheers i think my local bunnings only had scotts osmacote fuck that shit i was just gunna get i think it was yates or ritchgrow or somthing then add equal parts airation and compost eather way will be simple as fuck lol i still got that alfalfa meal and neem coming 2 ill prob hold onto it for now i dont wanna use fuck all but abit of water thats it and i wanna see how thay go seem 2 be doing good tho
I was at Bunnings today and they didn’t have a good selection of potting mix actually I used to like the debco shit you could get,when your there rip a couple of bags open and check what they look,feel and smell like
So far this season just on my personal stuff I’ve spent about $1000 on seeds,$500 on soil,$150 on irrigation and still have to buy tanks that’s $450 about $350 on fertilisers and will end up spending almost twice that by the end of the season and if I had to add my time into it it’s not a huge earner,as long as it pays for itself I’m not overly concerned about making $ on that grow if I could I’d take my holiday and spend the whole season on the Hill it’s my favourite thing I do in life.
defanetly a lavour of love so do u have 2 buy all new shit and cart it sounds like a fucken lot of work but still id love somthing like that wouldent want to be 2 far out in the bush but far enough i could find a spot and build one of those old tin cabinthings fuck the government i dont how im gunna get where i need 2 be but fuck it ill get there
defanetly a lavour of love so do u have 2 buy all new shit and cart it sounds like a fucken lot of work but still id love somthing like that wouldent want to be 2 far out in the bush but far enough i could find a spot and build one of those old tin cabinthings fuck the government i dont how im gunna get where i need 2 be but fuck it ill get there
Had 1000 litres of soil I litres of compost and amendments and have mixed all that by hand,turned the pile about 15 Times dug in 50m of irrigation line about 25 to go cleared all the spots and that’s without anything to do with the plants. Last year had issues with water just before Christmas so had to carry in about 250 litres every day till after New Years that was good fun in high 30 degree 95% humidity days
I was at Bunnings today and they didn’t have a good selection of potting mix actually I used to like the debco shit you could get,when your there rip a couple of bags open and check what they look,feel and smell like
lol i dont if thay have the seaerles ill get that if not if what i do get turns out to be shit ill be sending it back dont think i have the balls to just rip shit open lol i fucken wish oneday when im old and dont give a shit
I germinate mine in razor grass. Keeps the wallabies away .
Hahaha nice thinking. I’ve got a little black headed wallaby that’s been on the hill the last 3 years,I always send him subliminal messages like you leave my shit alone and I leave u alone you eat my shit I murder you and every wallaby within a10km radius lol seems to be working he’s pretty cool
So far this season just on my personal stuff I’ve spent about $1000 on seeds,$500 on soil,$150 on irrigation and still have to buy tanks that’s $450 about $350 on fertilisers and will end up spending almost twice that by the end of the season and if I had to add my time into it it’s not a huge earner,as long as it pays for itself I’m not overly concerned about making $ on that grow if I could I’d take my holiday and spend the whole season on the Hill it’s my favourite thing I do in life.
But it shows in the quality of your plants. I go cheap because I do all my growing on a motorbike up in the goat trails in the mountains . seeds cost 17 dollars for cs .I'd say this year I will use 12 bottles of power feed .4 bottles of monsta bud. Maybe 300 dollars in fuel. Soil is free from the creek. And I'm gunna play with some booby traps in the middle of my patches.
lol i dont if thay have the seaerles ill get that if not if what i do get turns out to be shit ill be sending it back dont think i have the balls to just rip shit open lol i fucken wish oneday when im old and dont give a shit
If anyone asks just tell them it was already opened,just don’t try and steal a bag by filling your pockets with dirt lol
But it shows in the quality of your plants. I go cheap because I do all my growing on a motorbike up in the goat trails in the mountains . seeds cost 17 dollars for cs .I'd say this year I will use 12 bottles of power feed .4 bottles of monsta bud. Maybe 300 dollars in fuel. Soil is free from the creek. And I'm gunna play with some booby traps in the middle of my patches.
Guerilla growing is a real art I reckon it’s tough going I’ve got a lot of respect for anyone that is a “real bush grower “just getting a harvest is a good year doing it.
Hahaha nice thinking. I’ve got a little black headed wallaby that’s been on the hill the last 3 years,I always send him subliminal messages like you leave my shit alone and I leave u alone you eat my shit I murder you and every wallaby within a10km radius lol seems to be working he’s pretty cool
I fucking hate wallabies.I havt to put wire mesh around my plants then wrap string mesh around it. Only bad part about razor grass is if you forget your gloves then you will get cut up a fair bit. I don't folar feed with fertilizers but this year a have a pressure sprayer and I've been spraying the plants leaves with cold spring water to simulate rain. It seems to be working very well . copied that idea from a Canadian grower. Love this site because everyone has different methods you can copy or use in your own methods.