Aussie Growers Thread


What is the name on Ebay?
Discount hydroponics on eBay. I enquired about multiple items to be sent and they came back with $40 shipping for the lot. That included larger items like 50L of hydroton, the lights, rockwool slabs etc and a heap of 1L nute bottles. These items were all cheaper than anywhere I've seen n the shipping barely makes I diff imo


Well-Known Member
What are you looking for cause their prices are great
the ph tester?
Sorry i meant that i havent harvested anything off a plant yet. The pH tester was $40 on your site and $29.99 on the one i use. The next few items i clicked on were also more expensive. I think if the shop you use is local to you then stick with it. I am not in Melbourne so it may be different for postage etc.


Well-Known Member
Discount hydroponics on eBay. I enquired about multiple items to be sent and they came back with $40 shipping for the lot. That included larger items like 50L of hydroton, the lights, rockwool slabs etc and a heap of 1L nute bottles. These items were all cheaper than anywhere I've seen n the shipping barely makes I diff imo
Thats the one.


Well-Known Member
I got mine in about a week. I think someone from customs has yours growing under their maglight as we speak. lol. Sorry a little tipsy.
Aren't we all rock,aren't we all!?

I like to call it acute drunken posting syndrome.
Something im struggling with currently and have been for months.


Well-Known Member
Looks like i have to have a little talk with my hydro shop. I just bought the Powerplant 600w HPS to MH conversion light for $100.00. On Ebay $54.00 shipping wouldnt be more that 10 bucks. Someone's overchargeing :twisted:


Well-Known Member
In my drunken state i have renamed you the big bloomer. Welcome back my friend. I keep telling my mrs it ill only be one more drink but that was about 2 hours ago. I blame her for this. She said i couldnt smoke for a while but agreed that if i produce it myself i could. I do wish i had more talent in that arena though as i want to see Avatar again after about ten bongs.


Well-Known Member
Looks like i have to have a little talk with my hydro shop. I just bought the Powerplant 600w HPS to MH conversion light for $100.00. On Ebay $54.00 shipping wouldnt be more that 10 bucks. Someone's overchargeing :twisted:
I dont work for these people so dont think i am a rep or anything. I think i should be though. Their delivery is lightning too. By the way there are many ways of getting around paying with a card if you are worried about tracing. BB i am still laughing at your comment.


Well-Known Member
In my drunken state i have renamed you the big bloomer. Welcome back my friend. I keep telling my mrs it ill only be one more drink but that was about 2 hours ago. I blame her for this. She said i couldnt smoke for a while but agreed that if i produce it myself i could. I do wish i had more talent in that arena though as i want to see Avatar again after about ten bongs.
i went and saw avatar for the second time today. the first time i was 3 rows from the front, the cinema was packed. today there was heaps less ppl. we sat 3 rows from the back this time. it was heaps better. sorry rock, i was so stoned i spent $30 at the candy shop on the way in.


Well-Known Member
Big bloomer will do mate,though i'm likin just BB, i hate my username so much,only created it so i could view a mates pics,who would've thought id catch the bug ay?!
1 more drink is always 1 more & thats always 1 too many.

I bet ur missus is gunna be spewin when ur growin pounds & ur fukt up 24/7,it'll be her fault though ay?
I wish i'd have seen Avatar,being on the cutting edge of technology isn't high on my list.


Well-Known Member
I dont work for these people so dont think i am a rep or anything. I think i should be though. Their delivery is lightning too. By the way there are many ways of getting around paying with a card if you are worried about tracing. BB i am still laughing at your comment.
No i understand you dont wont for them i am mad because i can see raising prices 10 -15 but 30 - 40. I will have to change hydro shops now which sucks because i have to find another one i like. Oh well i will go smoke a bowl of this:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
i went and saw avatar for the second time today. the first time i was 3 rows from the front, the cinema was packed. today there was heaps less ppl. we sat 3 rows from the back this time. it was heaps better. sorry rock, i was so stoned i spent $30 at the candy shop on the way in.
Rub it in wont you. Bastard. Saving for a ring too so that kills the grow budget. Dont worry you are all invited.... especially lacey but i want a once living wedding present. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Rub it in wont you. Bastard. Saving for a ring too so that kills the grow budget. Dont worry you are all invited.... especially lacey but i want a once living wedding present. :lol:
i am still going to go see it again. on acid next time. cant wait for that one.:lol:

congrats for the upcoming wedding.:clap:


Well-Known Member
i am still going to go see it again. on acid next time. cant wait for that one.:lol:

congrats for the upcoming wedding.:clap:
I am in on that. She hasnt said yes yet though. I guess it depends on the size of the bud, i mean rock. Lets get back to talking growing. I talk too much crap.

Hey by the way i did some reading on feminised seeds and realised they come from heme's. I would have thought that with todays genetics they could get it exact.


Well-Known Member
I am in on that. She hasnt said yes yet though. I guess it depends on the size of the bud, i mean rock. Lets get back to talking growing. I talk too much crap.

Hey by the way i did some reading on feminised seeds and realised they come from heme's. I would have thought that with todays genetics they could get it exact.
You should read more about the process of making fem seeds before you posta comment like that. Anyways ANY weed plant can hermie some are just more tolerant than others.


Well-Known Member
I am in on that. She hasnt said yes yet though. I guess it depends on the size of the bud, i mean rock. Lets get back to talking growing. I talk too much crap.

Hey by the way i did some reading on feminised seeds and realised they come from heme's. I would have thought that with todays genetics they could get it exact.
You should read more about the process of making fem seeds before you posta comment like that. Anyways ANY weed plant can hermie some are just more tolerant than others.
It's not just a random plant that turned Hermie. They take thousands of em.. Cull the Males. Select the best 50 Females, then attempt to 'shock' the plants through various tests such as low/high temps, high PH/EC, hot/cold feeds, erratic light cycles etc. All the while throwing away the weaker plants that Hermied along the way.
When they are left with a few (or one) genetically strong unique pheno they then force it to change through the use of a chemical called Collodial Silver. This makes the female produce pollen and thus it pollenates itself with Female Pollen (leaving no Male chromosone in the equation). Sure the offspring could hermie as a result, but if u get ur seeds from a quality place then u can b assured that their rigorous testing has more than 99% ruled that possibility out.


Well-Known Member
Ninja thanks for simplifying the whole process. I feel a lot happier now about my fem'd seedds. I just though it was 100% but it sounds like its pretty close.


Well-Known Member
It's not just a random plant that turned Hermie. They take thousands of em.. Cull the Males. Select the best 50 Females, then attempt to 'shock' the plants through various tests such as low/high temps, high PH/EC, hot/cold feeds, erratic light cycles etc. All the while throwing away the weaker plants that Hermied along the way.
When they are left with a few (or one) genetically strong unique pheno they then force it to change through the use of a chemical called Collodial Silver. This makes the female produce pollen and thus it pollenates itself with Female Pollen (leaving no Male chromosone in the equation). Sure the offspring could hermie as a result, but if u get ur seeds from a quality place then u can b assured that their rigorous testing has more than 99% ruled that possibility out.

Spot on bra. When buying fem seeds you really want to make sure you're getting the real deal from a breeder of good repute. I remember watching a video about how to make fem seeds, it was from a well known seed co, but can't remember what.


Well-Known Member
Looks like i have to have a little talk with my hydro shop. I just bought the Powerplant 600w HPS to MH conversion light for $100.00. On Ebay $54.00 shipping wouldnt be more that 10 bucks. Someone's overchargeing :twisted:
Your hydro store isn't overchrging. eBay sellers have jack all overheads, and don't need to maintain the inventory of a physical store, and there is so much less admin work etc. If you expect a sole proprietor in a shopfront to match an eBay price you're dreaming. When did you last see a new hydro store open? How about an established one renovated?

Don't worry... I'll wait...


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro I know is not the cheapest but they are real help
they are open when they say they are and that shop is the clean as clean
which is important when buying stuff like soil and coco
you don't want that crawling around