Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
oh hazaah one of my clones has taken root like a mad girl lol yay!

the other one doesn't look so grand, one of the leaves has proper browned up but there's still a bit of green lol fingers crossed


Well-Known Member
Mist them kmoo!! Morning and night, and then let them dry out a bit before putting the dome back on. Keep em alive and they will do their thing.

Any why the need to buy seeds? Youve got clones, so clone and grow. Save your money until next round.

I missed the channel 7 thing, cant find it on the net either. I wish it could have been positive.


Well-Known Member
Mist them kmoo!! Morning and night, and then let them dry out a bit before putting the dome back on. Keep em alive and they will do their thing.

Any why the need to buy seeds? Youve got clones, so clone and grow. Save your money until next round.

I missed the channel 7 thing, cant find it on the net either. I wish it could have been positive.
a show that is on at 6:30 on a sunday night will never put a positive spin on smoking weed.


Well-Known Member
He's an Aussie breeder. He has been growing since forever, he was a founding breeder of GHS, then sold his share to Arjan. He is now the breeder of Mr Nice Seeds, parternig with the infamous Mr Nice. If all the talk about weed strains is true, then Shantibaba has some of the purest strains still available.. The theoretical basis for most of today's popular strains. He has said he has backup genetics growing in 5 different counties, and original seeds if all
goes bad and he needs to start from scratch.

I like the idea of growing a bit of history.


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, just a quick note to let everyone know I harvested this evening... I am going to cut some more tonight and then more tomorrow....

I am stoked... Check my journal for more details...

Laceygirl....:hump: :hump: :hump:


Well-Known Member
The ones I went with were jewellers scales, up to 200g and 0.001 accuracy. $8 will get you some type of digital scale no doubt... But I wouldn't trust my income/pot on it


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't waste the 8 dollars on 8 dollar scales, up to you tho

congrats lacey!

sounds nice knickers, i wouldn't touch such a thing myself, i'm far too prone to killing shit