Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
i'm gonna take another two clones tomorrow before she gets too dedicated to flower lol nearly out of my nutes, gonna pick up some canna when they're out.
Damn i cant wait to try canna out,i got my free info pack from em the other day (booklet,lanyard,pen & a sticker) shit seems like the real deal.

Also got 2 scopes in tday then spent the rest of the arvo finding shit to look at under em lol,the most normal thing can look so trippy at x100 magnification.

Now i just need a better set of scales with a bigger surface area n im set for harvest.


Well-Known Member
I'm vapeing the most nasty hermy weed I've ever had, with little effect. Guess that's why I have a 1L glass of German pilsner on the go lol. I'm so hungry! Getting dinner made for me but it always takes too long when you're not doing it yourself!
Mmm pils is pretty good,i just started me first home brew last night,though i wish i did it sober coz i incredibly stupidly forgot to put the tap in,dunno wtf im gonna do about that.

Upright Man

Well-Known Member

You're cubes look awfully saturated. I would let them dry up a bit. You're shoots wont search for food if they have a constant supply of it.
Was thinking the same thing myself. Took them out and now they are just on the heat mat. Wilted almost immediately.


Well-Known Member
Upright man, your plants will wilt not because the medium is dry but because the cutting doesn't have enough moisture. How do cuttings absord water? Through their leaves until a sustainable root mass is formed.

Now I'm vapeing volcano hash.. It's better than the weed I bought lol


Well-Known Member
ok so i'm about to have a rant lol

i was just having a chat with my hydro guy and he was tellin me that in SA they are bringing in a law that any purchase from a hydro shop you have to provide 100 points of id that they must record. plus there's been a hold up with the shipment of the coco mix i use coz of the wording on the package. bah, why are they putting so much effort into enforcing anti dope laws when they dont understand them. what are they really scared of with dope? that people will be too relaxed? that a few people who had a predisposition to mental illness ended up getting a mental illness after smoking buckets of skunk? first off, prove that they weren't going to get this illness regardless. i have suffered depression and anxiety since i was 13 years old and they're more than happy to throw valium, temazepam, lithium, prozac, zoloft, cipramil (to name but a few) at it - yet the one thing that works and does NOT make me feel like a sack of shit is illegal. fuck that. my best friends husband has an injury and he's been diagnosed with some chronic pain syndrome, he legally takes like 80mg of opiets a day - throws up can't sleep etc etc, yet a pot brownie is the most effective thing he's used - but he can't use it because it's illegal! and it may effect the court case.
i dont have an issue with them pursuing drugs that can easily cause harm, overdose etc - but fuck, who has ever overdosed on weed? GARGH!


Well-Known Member
ugh it's annoying. it frustrates me that they're so backwards, prohibition has worked SO well in the past

think it's time to eat some pot fudge lol


Well-Known Member
Yo yo. Last nights food count..... Box of chicken crimpys, whole pepperoni pizza, 2L of solo, 4 pieces of peanut butter and honey toast , 3 eggs, pancakes with maple syrup to finish. It all starts again tonight. Oh no.


Well-Known Member
Yo yo. Last nights food count..... Box of chicken crimpys, whole pepperoni pizza, 2L of solo, 4 pieces of peanut butter and honey toast , 3 eggs, pancakes with maple syrup to finish. It all starts again tonight. Oh no.
there will be no hiding you smoking weed from your missus. when she gets back you will have gained 20kg from all the extra food. mmmmmmmm munchies.


Well-Known Member
U fat,joke. The best stoned/er food is ham baked bean nachos with smokey BBQ sauce and a shitload of cheese,mmm so good u gotta try it.


Well-Known Member
Bb that sounds disgusting. When I'm high I'll eat it for sure, but it sounds foul lol

Yay for banning trucks in the right hand lane on multiple lane freeways etc.


Well-Known Member
yeah, yay for being at a stand still on the eastern just now coz some red p plater was driving like a turd lol and yeah BB - that sounds kinda gross man ha

i personally find my favourite favourite indulgence food when stoned is the cheesecake slice with mango jelly on top, from michels patisserie. yum!


Well-Known Member
Dont knock it til u try it,its superb,might go take a couple pics now,my big girl got battered by wind & rain the other night.
Didn't look so good.