Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Outdoor is fighting the bugs and weather. Inside is just about the same. Except that you're the weather. And the bugs aren't coming from every fuckin direction.
I find indoor 100x worse for bugs outside the only one that causes more than a bit of leaf damage is caterpillars those fucks have caused me some grief over the years but since I started spaying with B.T I don’t lose too much to them


Well-Known Member
The other thing is. Indoor costs more. Unless you've got solar or some kind of free energy. Outdoor has other risks too. Namely people and the odd animal. But, you get free light. And water when it happens to rain.
I look at indoor and outdoor as two completely different things they are almost polar opposite in my view,especially the way I grow I do coco and salts inside straight organic in soil out I’m a bit o.c.d with ph and e.c and timing on feeds indoor when I feed outdoor I don’t even measure shit when I make a mix I just free pour from the bottle and feed different stuff if I want,I find outdoor involves more “feel” and indoor is more regimented


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Yeah. We're very different people.

I do organics indoor and out. I hardly measure anything once I know the rough volumes used. And I water-feed whenever I think they need it.
I grew in soil my very first indoor grow around 98/99 and haven’t grown indoor with soil since lol. When you have a hydro system dialled in the speed of growth is really amazing. With something like your scrog you could take 25% of the time taken to fill that size screen in D.W.C or similar system it’d be even quicker they do have plenty of cons but when you get your shit down there is nothing like seeing a plant almost grow in front of your eyes


Well-Known Member
I really enjoy growing outdoor indoor is more about controlling the environment and all the other shit than the actual growing,outside it’s all about getting the plant in the best shape possible and then it will just do it’s thing.
I'm finding outdoor hard! I'm so freaking paranoid about pests after seeing first hand the damage they can do relatively fast. I'm inspecting them 24/7 constantly bent over to look underneath the leaves and stem etc. Sucks having to be so worried all the time...(that neighbour would have to be loving it tho u'd have to think, lol )


Well-Known Member
Dedication much?! I couldn't do that it'd become like a chore, and I hate being told what to do;)
That’s one of the reasons I’m single (the other one is that I’m a fucking cunt apparently lol) I don’t take “orders” well. It’s not that it’s a chore but it’s just the constant nature of running a perpetual grow cloning,veg,flower,dry,trim then repeat it becomes a bit like Groundhog Day.


Well-Known Member
I'm finding outdoor hard! I'm so freaking paranoid about pests after seeing first hand the damage they can do relatively fast. I'm inspecting them 24/7 constantly bent over to look underneath the leaves and stem etc. Sucks having to be so worried all the time...(that neighbour would have to be loving it tho u'd have to think, lol )
What bugs are doing the damage ? I’ve used neem cake in my soil mix for the first time this year and so far I haven’t had 1 bit of insect damage on any of the plants and I haven’t even sprayed yet,I haven’t seen a lot of insects around for some reason but I do think adding neem to the soil has helped. Get some eco neem and eco oil and spray every them alternating every 3-4 days make sure you get underneath all the leaves and on the stems really soak them.


Well-Known Member
Feel like dog balls after a million beers and too much food yesterday. Going to mow the lawn and put a few of the outdoor plants in their final pots today. Might follow that up with a bit of a chuck then a kip so my liver doesn't climb out of my body to find somewhere healthier to live
Have a chuck first then a double bloody Mary without the tomato juice


Well-Known Member
I find indoor 100x worse for bugs outside the only one that causes more than a bit of leaf damage is caterpillars those fucks have caused me some grief over the years but since I started spaying with B.T I don’t lose too much to them
See I haven't encountered any caterpillars ever. It's aphids that are my nemesis.