Aussie Growers Thread

well only one has craked so far so i planted that in the jiffy so far i kinda dont like the paper towl n soek all in all may as well germinated in the mediem all to gether it seems to take as long
Whatever works mate. I used to go the towel after a soak but once they've cracked and have a tail I just chuck them straight in a jiffy or a cup and haven't lost a healthy seed in ages. I figure the more time they have sending out roots into their home the better

Recently had a couple go tits up on me but they were mongy looking herm seeds that I just chucked in for the hell of it. Surprisingly they started growing but not for long
I'm not saying I won't still sit down for billie or 3 on occassions. Just that I like the overall experience of this vape. And may lean towards that over billies.
i love bongs but i like the idia of it going further plus u can use the avb to make butter after lol
I like the idea of using stuff you've smoked for cooking but when you grow a couple good-sized plants chuck an oz (or more) of cured buds into a pound of butter with all your trim. Potent as shit. Last time me and my missus got stuck in we got seriously fucked up. I'm (almost) scared to use it for a while it's that strong. Especially on the piss.
I'm not saying I won't still sit down for billie or 3 on occassions. Just that I like the overall experience of this vape. And may lean towards that over billies.
Yours must be a decent one. Last one I used was one of those pax jobbies. Was shithhouse. Good to carry about but you could smoke and smoke and never quite get there so gave it to a mate who doesn't smoke as much and he loves it
Yours must be a decent one. Last one I used was one of those pax jobbies. Was shithhouse. Good to carry about but you could smoke and smoke and never quite get there so gave it to a mate who doesn't smoke as much and he loves it

Compared to my last vape. I'm not inhaling ash. Not going- wait, is this flat already? Or having to refill a tiny ass half cone sized bowl.

I can't say much for the high right now as its just the topped section of gran... yes I'm smoking reveg. Not the first time either.

I'll get some real ganjawana soon then report back the findings.