Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
shanti's gear ain't the same as it once was and sam the skunkman is a well known snitch.
learn your history, son.
I just did a little reading.
Seems an unlikely story.
Sounds like Nevil Haze is the only one who might know some truth.
Sure Nevil hasn't told. Probably never will either......


Well-Known Member
I just did a little reading.
Seems an unlikely story.
Sounds like Nevil Haze is the only one who might know some truth.
Sure Nevil hasn't told. Probably never will either......
In fact companies like Dutch passion and Nirvana began by copying Nevils seeds from the F1 seed...but most of them would never say so as they are Dutch business men who see dollars first and not genetics....Sam and Nevil use to work a bit on strains together but when it was revealed that Sam and his crew of Americans in Holland all were part of informants for the DEA in America on a radio program in Holland they split to the UK to do other things. Sam never started or owned a seed company so his claim to all the strains that became famous years ago are not really warranted.

A quote from Shantibaba from this thread


Well-Known Member
Nevils side of the story

Hi Tom
Let me say that I respect your loyalty to Sam and I once felt the same as you do. I remember that Cultivators Choice catalogue in the High Times. It was an inspiration to me. I remember when I first met Rob and Sam in '84, these guys were legends and helped me enormously. It was business of course, but just the same. Rob, with Sam's help so I was told, wrote Marijuana Botany and sold me Early Pearl and Sam sold me various Skunk lines, which was the industry standard at the time. I was not going to fuck up my relationship with these guys over petty shit. We all remained pretty much on good speaking terms until the mid '90's. Of course there was Sam with his bullshit fine print, that was added to imaginary contracts years after I bought the seeds, but I ignored that. I figured he was delusional.

It would have been about '95, but I'm terrible with dates, but I was working at the castle for Ben and they came to see me. They wanted to enlist my help in delineating the ancestries of the strains that I had put out. Ben still wasn't selling anything that I hadn't made (to the best of my knowledge).
I found this to be a remarkable request for a number of reasons. I asked them why? What followed rocked my world. They told me that they were cooperating with the Australian Federal Police, who wanted to establish links between growing operation in Australia using genetic fingerprinting and the information I was to provide. This would lead to longer prison sentences. I'd recently done 11 months in maximum security remand in Australia and alarm bells are going off in my head like crazy. But I can be cool under pressure and decided to draw them out. They knew I had children in Australia and couldn't go and see them. The suggestion was raised that cooperating might help my chances to be able to go back. They thought they had me. I said that I needed time to consider this proposal and needed some kind of documentary proof that they were genuine. No problem, I was told.
On a later visit I was provided with documents from the Australian Federal Police demonstrating that this and much more was indeed the case. I said that I wished to show these documents to a legal advisor before making any decisions and was given their permission to do so. I went to Mario Lap, who used to work for the N.I.A.D. (Dutch institute for alcohol and drugs) and was an advisor to the Dutch Labour Party on cannabis affairs. He has a good paralegal mind and is well acquainted with law as it relates to cannabis. He was horrified as to the implications of those documents and didn't particularly like American spooks operating in his back yard. He made further enquiries with the various Dutch ministries as to who these people were and who they were connected with and how they got their permits for Hortapharm. Mario is on record as to what he concluded and how that lead to their losing the Hortapharm licence, My repeating it would only be hearsay. He may still have the original documents.

Some time later when Hortapharm had lost their licence and the Dutch law had been changed and seed breeding was illegal in Holland, we were all fairly bitter. Sam wanted a showdown which Arjan ended up organising. Sam, Rob, Arjan and I met in a coffee shop. I don't think Scott was there. They accused me of bringing down Hortapharm and I accused them of destroying the Dutch scene in order to get a monopoly. They came with their rationalisations the end justifying the means etc, but neither of us denied anything much. Nothing was achieved and we never saw each other again.

Now where I come from these are pretty serious accusations and I'm also aware of the ninth commandment; You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour and this is a public forum, so I'm being very careful to stick to the truth as I know it. I would swear to this in court and may all my Haze turn into Afghani#1 if I'm lying.

So that's off my chest. Confirm things with Mario if you like, I haven't contacted him in 5 years. Better still, talk to Sam and see what he wants to deny. I can tell you that the Dutch articles about the subject seem pretty spot on to me.

From this thread

Pretty cool thread just for the guys contributing Tom Hill,Moonunit,Bushweed,Hempy,Donald Mallard and a few other O.G’s


Well-Known Member
Thanks coco.
I had read the first. But the second link helped a shit tonne.

you mention haze, seems relevant when talking about sam the skunkman no?
Yeah the haze brothers.

In fact companies like Dutch passion and Nirvana began by copying Nevils seeds from the F1 seed...but most of them would never say so as they are Dutch business men who see dollars first and not genetics....Sam and Nevil use to work a bit on strains together but when it was revealed that Sam and his crew of Americans in Holland all were part of informants for the DEA in America on a radio program in Holland they split to the UK to do other things. Sam never started or owned a seed company so his claim to all the strains that became famous years ago are not really warranted.

A quote from Shantibaba from this thread
Thanks again.
Seems mns is the way to go.

not neville haze lol
Am i being naive.
I figured Nevil Haze was his alias?
quite a few good reads on the MNS forums
Thank i'll check em out.

You guys know if mns, will ship here??

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
what a pain in the arse
It was because take this into account
I actually rang that number the morning before and all I got was a chick I couldn' understand just say ring your bank again.
Not helpful at all...then the chick I rang this morning 24 Hrs later couldnt do enough to help me and was awesome.
Problem solved.
A lot of it is customer service isn' it


Well-Known Member
It was because take this into account
I actually rang that number the morning before and all I got was a chick I couldn' understand just say ring your bank again.
Not helpful at all...then the chick I rang this morning 24 Hrs later couldnt do enough to help me and was awesome.
Problem solved.
A lot of it is customer service isn' it
I’m waiting to hear back from Greenpoint and see if they can sort it otherwise I’ll hit u up for that number if that’s O.K

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Just a smart man.
Thats all.
Just harder to find good seeds. Not nearly as many choices either.
Not worried about them coming to my door. Id tell them to get warrant.
Its more spending the money, and not receiveing.
Or having a mate's house and name flagged. Im not a dog. Dont want to be one either.
Oh so a scrooge lol $$$$$