Aussie Growers Thread

is the 2.3 at the end feet or metres? gorilla tents with the extension go 2+ meters high but they dont make a 3x3. Other weird sizes that are close though. If its only 2.3 feet then thats a tent for ants
Yeah 2.3m high,I want to run DE HPS either 2x1000w or 3x600w with Air con,dehumidifier and CO2
So they still are the best ? I heard their quality had dropped of a bit.
Hard to say if they're the best but they're better than any others Ive seen around. Probably you're only shot at getting a pretty slim tent that tall as well

Edit: ah, seeing you mention DE you mean 3m x 3m x 2.3m right? still reckon gorilla are the go
Fuk sory for the bad word fuck my fuxken bad im a fuken cumt 4 fuken bad language fuken sorry lmfao heres a up date on my out door random mushrooms popped up not tje good kind I think aminita punctata iv noticed2 alot of seeds in tjere seem 2 be sprouting ay thece frown and iv eradicated the slugs however tje cover frass seems 2 be dying so shit lol mixing up nutes now for when lights come on mixing at abou 1.0 ec now 20180427_151852.jpgi dont know shit bout out door well indoor 2 but i think i need a tad more n but i wanna not give it more n so ot dont stretch 2 bad n from what iv read from urses posrs if i gave it more n it woupd prolong veg ? What do use rekon
I think this ones a grow cell it ripped on me when inwas outting it up
Mines a grow cell to. No problems with it so far but wouldn't recommend them. Ive been waiting for it to have a failure so I can buy a Unit Farm tent.

Check out the specks of them and if one suites send him a message I'm sure he would do a discount.
Hard to say if they're the best but they're better than any others Ive seen around. Probably you're only shot at getting a pretty slim tent that tall as well

Edit: ah, seeing you mention DE you mean 3m x 3m x 2.3m right? still reckon gorilla are the go
Correct I can go a bit bigger if need be I’ll just have to break the recipro saw out if I go that path