Aussie Growers Thread


Active Member
Assigments upset me. I prefer 100% exams lol must be only one that does. I'm cranky when I have to do assignments. *congrats* on finishing kmoo

Dudes next door been playing playstation or something all day, 8hrs maybe of car racing effects and muffled sounds of exasperation!

Mmmm there's a damned fine idea....

What d'ya mean we can't compete with pepperoni...I'm every bit as handsome as a plate of spotty pizza, tch tch :-) me a sexy hunk o man ya


Well-Known Member
cheers yada

boo knickers boo! sopranos! the first 12 seasons were good but the last 18 were shite

i'm watchin chuck lol


Well-Known Member
i told you already, ricky gervais show

chuck is camp, but meh lol i have a lil crush on the blonde chick


Well-Known Member
Heroes is crap and so is a while bunch of other dribble thats been listed.

Yadayada, I wasn't talking about the British comedy either.


Well-Known Member
yeah heroes is blah now, i didn't mind it before cept for that whiney cheerleader but it give me the shits now

you seem a lil down tonight knickers lol ya alright mate?


Well-Known Member
ricky gervais show ok i will dl now
see if its as good as what you say
and fuck yeah, want me to get on utorrent and seed real high? lol

the eps are slow so you can get one to sample quite quickly. please be sure to be bent when watching


Well-Known Member
Damn stupid mcdonalds screwed up my order!

I order a grand angus and they gave me 10 nuggets and no sauce... Like WTF, no sauce?!?

Booyah 5000


Well-Known Member
nah im using iptorrents its done already
and knickers maybe if ya weren't fucking around on your iphone in the drive thu
you would order correctly lol
i do it all the time


Well-Known Member
but was there no burger at all? lol

did they mess it up that badly?

you put food in a bag, exchange nominal amounts of currency - i dont get it


Well-Known Member
I didn't even want nuggets! I had taken a good 30 mins to contemplate in my stonedness what it was I most desired, and I wanted a freaking grand angus! Fuck nuggets! AND NO SAUCE! Everything is just golden yellow. And I still want the burger :,(


Well-Known Member
aww knickers what a bummer lol i mean shit, you get yer stoned heart set on something to nosh on, you get yer arse in the car and drive through - you clearly didn't know til you'd left mcdonalds so ya get home lookin forward to yer nosh and it's not yer nosh, it's something else - something else without necessary condiment lol bad form mcdonalds, bad form