Aussie Growers Thread

Coco, ive ridden with some big names, had one huge name to the odd family event, have friends in clubs. I'm sorry mate but I'm against how these organisations earn cash.
I'm all for m/cycle clubs. I was in the trade for years. I'm against criminal organisations.
Just because you don’t agree with something doesn’t make it illegal and if they are conducting illegal activities they should be charged and have their day in court just like everyone else.
And what exactly is a criminal organisation ? Who decides who is what ? Guilty by association isn’t and should never be part of our legal system but these types of laws are doing just that
to put it into perspective. We are a small town of 50k. We have gone from two clubs to 5 in 3 years. All clubs within 15 klms of each other and 3 within 2klm's.
all trying to make money with a small population......If that doesn't sound a warning then....
There’s more than enough laws already on the books that police could use why give them a free pass ? If a crimes committed charge them then prove it if police are too lazy or to stupid to then they should be the ones under scrutiny
Just because you don’t agree with something doesn’t make it illegal and if they are conducting illegal activities they should be charged and have their day in court just like everyone else.
And what exactly is a criminal organisation ? Who decides who is what ? Guilty by association isn’t and should never be part of our legal system but these types of laws are doing just that
I don't think there is any point you and I debating this on here. it doesn't sound like we will agree or compromise.

So lets move on shall we.
I don't think there is any point you and I debating this on here. it doesn't sound like we will agree or compromise.

So lets move on shall we.
Everyone is entitled an opinion and that’s all both of our arguments are I’m just worried that people don’t understand these laws don’t just refer to clubs
Everyone is entitled an opinion and that’s all both of our arguments are I’m just worried that people don’t understand these laws don’t just refer to clubs
I understand the laws, especially those that were introduced into NSW. It had me and Greg Hirst (RIP old friend) debating it for hours in the freezing cold. He wasn't a fan, yet I was and am.
Seems like a very hypocritical stance to take,like the saying goes “people that live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones”
Forget government for a minute. . What we’re doing, “growing” a plant the earth put here, harms no one, right? . (For the most part)...
Some of the illegal activities bikies are “known” for being involved in are beyond comparison to growing a couple of trees.
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Forget government for a minute. . What we’re doing, “growing” a plant the earth put here, harms no one, right? . (For the most part)...
Some of the illegal activities bikies are “known” for being involved in are beyond comparison to growing a couple of trees.
I’m one foot in each camp here. Bikie gangs are for the most part fucked - I’ve got a couple family involved in them and a historical association with them but that said blanket laws are a slippery slope and shouldn’t be afforded the the types of fucks we have running this country. You (not you personally ;) ) may well end up regretting the type of “protection” we are being given.
I’m one foot in each camp here. Bikie gangs are for the most part fucked - I’ve got a couple family involved in them and a historical association with them but that said blanket laws are a slippery slope and shouldn’t be afforded the the types of fucks we have running this country. You (not you personally ;) ) may well end up regretting the type of “protection” we are being given.
I agree with that too.
I totally get what Coco’s saying too re: if bikies freedom is taken essentially and eventually ours is too!
I just didn’t agree with the “glass houses” comment. Yes growing is illegal in aus right now, but eventually may not be. Trading arms etc however, will never be. Just not even in the same catergory.
I used to care for a girl in juvi, she was 15 at that point. Her dad was a club member. From the age of 11 or 12 he started passing her around to fellow members. She was in juvenile detention before her 16th birthday, and that’s where she wanted to stay. Some of the things she told us were unimaginable!!! Brings tears to my eyes still when I do...
Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t take a “bikie” to do that sort of thing, but it’s hard for me to disassociate.
I used to care for a girl in juvi, she was 15 at that point. Her dad was a club member. From the age of 11 or 12 he started passing her around to fellow members. She was in juvenile detention before her 16th birthday, and that’s where she wanted to stay. Some of the things she told us were unimaginable!!! Brings tears to my eyes still when I do...
Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t take a “bikie” to do that sort of thing, but it’s hard for me to disassociate.
Any 1%er i no would have beat the fuck out of the guy it aint tolerated in any club. Dont no how its run down here but back home FUCK no, that shit would not fly.
Forget government for a minute. . What we’re doing, “growing” a plant the earth put here, harms no one, right? . (For the most part)...
Some of the illegal activities bikies are “known” for being involved in are beyond comparison to growing a couple of trees.
That’s your opinion it doesn’t change the fact that under our legal system you are innocent until proven guilty and punishing a group of people because of crimes that are only alleged to have taken place is illegal.
Legally they aren’t beyond comparison sorry and that’s what this is about,morals and laws are 2 very different things
I agree with that too.
I totally get what Coco’s saying too re: if bikies freedom is taken essentially and eventually ours is too!
I just didn’t agree with the “glass houses” comment. Yes growing is illegal in aus right now, but eventually may not be. Trading arms etc however, will never be. Just not even in the same catergory.
A lot of the weapons that are being traded were bought legally before John Howard decided to take our guns from us which wasn’t that long ago.
You don’t have to agree with the comment it doesn’t change the fact that as people that all break the law it’s very hypocritical when we start labelling others as criminals
I used to care for a girl in juvi, she was 15 at that point. Her dad was a club member. From the age of 11 or 12 he started passing her around to fellow members. She was in juvenile detention before her 16th birthday, and that’s where she wanted to stay. Some of the things she told us were unimaginable!!! Brings tears to my eyes still when I do...
Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t take a “bikie” to do that sort of thing, but it’s hard for me to disassociate.
I agree and would be very surprised and upset if that guy is still leading a healthy life
I used to care for a girl in juvi, she was 15 at that point. Her dad was a club member. From the age of 11 or 12 he started passing her around to fellow members. She was in juvenile detention before her 16th birthday, and that’s where she wanted to stay. Some of the things she told us were unimaginable!!! Brings tears to my eyes still when I do...
Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t take a “bikie” to do that sort of thing, but it’s hard for me to disassociate.
I’d bet the Catholic Church has more convicted pedo’s than all 1% clubs put together and have been proven to have helped cover up the crimes of its members. I’d put them at the top of my list for criminal organisations
idk tjeres cunts every where tbh if its li, e a chooper read type cunt fuking witjna herion dealer type cunt npt rhe commen man rjan fick it
Dont ya'll worry what moves in when the bikers are forced out? Ya no they hold back alot of other fuckers from rising up there heads. Im already seeing Sudanese and Asians taking whatever they feel here, hell even the Russians have moved into Aus. Slippery slope that. Thats just since ive been gone!