Aussie Growers Thread

Its interesting that under LED the plants use more Cal or Mag or both. Something to do with lack of IR or something.

I noticed that going from the 130w cfl to the 100w of strips I had to up my dosage. I just use the bottled cal/mag. Lasts ages and is easy to dose.
I was just looking at an ir/deep red light. Thinking about the same with the cobs and cal-mag deficiencies.

O he is right, you can amend a soil so you don't need to add it. But its also pretty easy to add.
Either way I dont give a fuck
Im more worried bout wether my dick is gonna get wet regularly

But I like debates like last nite they get the adrenaline flowing and that's good when ur about to have a root

My prioities are so outta wack hey
I've got an ear infection so I went to the pharmacy for ear drops and they said sorry you now need a script for ear but we do have bottles of ear drop oils to lubricate your ear canal. Wtf . turns out people have been burning down eardrops to get chemicals out of them to make drugs.
Haha fuck you. The doctor gave me pain killers and I stood at the toaster for 25 minutes waiting for it to cook. No bread in toaster and wasn't plugged in. Bobby and painkillers do not mix well.
See that's more dangerous than having a cone and relieving some pain
Don't worry about Coco, he is a cranky cunt. When he is in the old folks home he will have the Nurses crying.

He does know what he is talkin about and I recon gets frustrated with bad information. He also likes to argue to the death about stuff. Maybe politics is in his future....

You do need a thick skin on this thread at times.
Its not arguing when you call out fools like yourself and other dumb fucks that find info on YouTube or max yield then go around passing it of as hard facts,maybe if you paid some attention you would get more than $200 an ounce or have to flog of your shitty ethanol oil
Wait till coco find a out u use it
Ur fucked luke he' gonna come gunning for ya

If he spent 10 minutes looking at his soil mix he’d figure out why he has such slow growth,constant purpling of stems and deficiencies instead he chooses to bandaid the problem but he’s too ignorant to realise he’s only magnifying the problem
Here is a little tip if you are low in either cal or mag it’s very likely that you are high in either mag or cal so why would you go adding more of one into the mix ?