Cute plants rock!
Total off the two bubblegums was a touch over 6 zips.. Nothing amazing, but at least they made it!
I think I ended up with two different phenos:
The first was the more stretched of the two, though the nodal spacing was indica and it would have been 1.5m tall had it not fallen over. It flowered and finished sooner, though it stretched during flower due to environmental factors so I can't comment on the density of the bud. It had large calyxs and a sweet skunky smell, not what I would call bubblegum though. The seeds are large and lightly coloured when crossed with a sativa dom bagseed. The yield wasn't fantastic because if the aforementioned stretching during flower, however the smoke was yummy. The high was positive and uplifting, not much couchlock nor any paranoia or racing heart.
The second was the more compact of the two and started flowering later and needed a few more weeks. It grew to approximately 1.25m except fell over as well. The buds were a darker green and had a very slight purple tinge starting to form. The calyxs were smaller and the resin was more concentrated with less sugar leaf. The seeds when crossed with the same bagseed are small and dark. The scent was less skunky and had more of a napthalene afternote. The high is more spacey than uplifting, though there's little couchlock, it just makes me want to zone out and just enjoy.
I've taken clones, though the clone from plant 1 is very sickly as I haven't cared for it, and the clones from plant two were cut from branches 2 days after chop when they were completely droopy. They've pepped up since being put in rockwool in a humidity dome under 18hrs of cfls. No where to grow right now so all I want is to keep em alive.