Can u please elaborate on that? Cos I really have no idea what’s going on with them atm. After flushing the shishka there were no more yellowing leaves. I dropped ec to 0.8 and tested runoff and the ph was 5.8 and ec was 1.2 - but like I said before I don’t even know why I began testing runoff from coco again

when I already know it’s not an accurate test to go by. And so now anyway I’m not sure if leaves are starting to do it again or if it’s just leaves that had started going that colour before flushing? So I’m stressing again. Not only that but now the Chrystal has a cluster of leaves with dried up brown tips, no other discolouration anywhere. I noticed that a couple of days after flushing the shish so I flushed the Chrystal too and dropped the ec with her too but it seems more brown tips are coming.
I’ve added some pics so u can see what I mean. First two are of the Chrystal second two shishkaberry.