Aussie Growers Thread

Not entirely sure. I was thinking of using a hair straightener and some baking paper. Just pressing it by hand. Then possibly trying to get it to mix in a small batch of one of my juices.

I've never done e liquid before. I've made rosin before. Just not liquids.

I also thought about buying some shake or a kief puck to make it with.
Making the keif and putting it in a puck then using a rosin press is the pro way for sure.
Especially if you use a concrete mixer type attachment to make the keif.
You know how far 22 grams from a small puck lasts ?...for ever :)
Seen it done but the dude has a 400litre chest freezer full of frozen bud to start each run...
Not entirely sure. I was thinking of using a hair straightener and some baking paper. Just pressing it by hand. Then possibly trying to get it to mix in a small batch of one of my juices.

I've never done e liquid before. I've made rosin before. Just not liquids.

I also thought about buying some shake or a kief puck to make it with.
I've done it this way but you waste heaps from the bud that you dont get out unless your real fussy
Making the keif and putting it in a puck then using a rosin press is the pro way for sure.
Especially if you use a concrete mixer type attachment to make the keif.
You know how far 22 grams from a small puck lasts ?...for ever :)
Seen it done but the dude has a 400litre chest freezer full of frozen bud to start each run...
Holyfuck! Er, yeah. I don't have the resources or the connections to play with that kind of quantity.
I thought the airport dogs on the mainland were for explosives?

Dogs at Tassie airports are for fruit and vegetables...not sure if id want to go past them with pot.
U for real luke they been using dogs in Adelaide and Melb for drugs as well
They use dogs at Soundwave they aren't looking for explosives
2 years ago in my home town they brought dogs down walking the streets for training with undercover cops
Edited out the last sentence I wrote if anyone seen it before hand
I used to fly domestically about 8 times a year and always had at least an oz in my carry on until those fucking terrorists ruined everything. Now I have to shelf it and I still get nervous goin past the dogs
I’ve never caught a plane without being pulled out of the line and being searched and tested for explosive residue,one flight the cunts found 9 lighters in my bag and wanted to know why I needed 9 lighters FFS another time while I was being searched and my shoes were copping the bomb test treatment my brother goes by having a laugh with an 8 ball of coke in each of his shoes fucking unbelievable I almost dobbed the cunt in lol
U for real luke they been using dogs in Adelaide and Melb for drugs as well
They use dogs at Soundwave they aren't looking for explosives
2 years ago in my home town they brought dogs down walking the streets for training with undercover cops...helps to have family in the police force to let you know these things ;)
yea man, that's what I thought. wasn't arguing that they were not.
I knew the police have drug dogs but they have explosive ones to.
And yep the Tassie ones at the airport are for fruit and vegetables. Big signs as you come off the plane to dump any fruit and vegetables before going past the dog. The use em at the Ferry to. Biosecurity here is no joke.
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Last festival i went to im walkimg in woth about 30 pingers and a few grams of coke in my pocket.

A copper with a dog literally points at me from across the crowd and motions for me to come over. Im a pretty relaxed guy and didnt want to look suss so i head over there secretly shitting myself on the inside.
I get there and the cop just wants to ask me about my beard and how long i have been growing it lol. The dog sits down in front of me. (Which if you dont know means a positive detection. They sit down in front of you if they smell something on you). But because im chatting with this cop neither him or me have noticed the dog sat down. As im about to leave i turn and trip head over heels straight over the fucking dog hahaha. Just hopped up had a laugh and walked away
I had about an 8 ball of speed at Melbourne airport awhile ago and tipped it into a water bottle and gave it a good shake. Went thru security at Melb and Sydney no worries. Trouble was I drank all the water on the plane...

Brought magic mushrooms from Europe into Australia in my back pack. They were from the Black Forrest in Germany and had been dried and I had em in an old film canister.