Aussie Growers Thread


it was super prevalent but how many of those people threw theit whole life away and are now living in eccy dens dropping pingas everyday? every single person i grew up with was taking pills. we used to knock of friday and party until sunday arvo every weekend but none of us (well with the exception of me)

haha also guilty
Not saying anything about throwing your life away Just saying it was an epidemic when Redfrog said it wasn't.
Got my new tea brewer cracking,got rid of the airlift manifold and went with this mad fish tank.
Looks like it's already grown a microbe :) @redeyedfrog thanks for sharing your incredible knowledge with us all.
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fuck mate you just cant let shit go can you. is it really that important for you to be number one dick on a fucking internet forum?

and for what its worth airstones are fucking shit for doing AACT a flume or a waterfall is actually way better
fuck mate you just cant let shit go can you. is it really that important for you to be number one dick on a fucking internet forum?

and for what its worth airstones are fucking shit for doing AACT a flume or a waterfall is actually way better
I don't really give a fuck about this argument but what i will say is reds method works for him and has for a few years
Yeah I realise that mate but I want to sex one plant that has the most amazing stem rub and then throw the t5 back to 24/7...I'm thinking 5 days 18/6 then I should be able to go back to normal hours ?
18/6 is a good vegging light, the dark periods promote good root growth, you could leave it 18/6 if you wanted. How much longer they staying in veg?
18/6 is a good vegging light, the dark periods promote good root growth, you could leave it 18/6 if you wanted. How much longer they staying in veg?
Not sure yet mate I'm under the pump ...
Got 3 outdoor set ups and 3 indoor co ops on the run this year.
Gonna be the first year for a while with profit involved.
Indoor will be for $ only
I don't really give a fuck about this argument but what i will say is reds method works for him and has for a few years

thats not really the point it was over and done with 10 pages back. why did it have to be dragged up again? i shouldnt even be sticking my nose in because it will just escalate it but most of us are here for a bit of friendly banter and to share our grows.

i get sick of the pages and pages of bickering
thats not really the point it was over and done with 10 pages back. why did it have to be dragged up again?
Oh yeah don't get me wrong mate I'm with what your saying.
Everyone in here didn't go to bed till 5 am like myself sounds like...