Aussie Growers Thread

Righto I need ppls easiest methods of taking cuttings from outdoor plants to use for clones indoor come march.
I'm planning on decking out my spare room for indoor runs x2 each year 2 x 600k or 1 x 1000k ...
I'll worry about specs and techs later but for now I'm going to have to learn to clone from outdoor plants.
Keep in mind I can use my T5 tent to root them ....
Give me the methods that work best for you guys.
Cut a nice size clone off. Then examine it and cut it on a diagonal where a leaf or another branch joins, dip into clonex and straight into a hydrated Jiffy round propagation disk. Place in a cloning tray (we all have one- Bunnings sell em) with a misted lid, close vents (if in winter place on top of a heating mat). Wack under veg lights and forget about it for a week. Open vents after a week and plant it when it starts showing its hungry.
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Righto I need ppls easiest methods of taking cuttings from outdoor plants to use for clones indoor come march.
I'm planning on decking out my spare room for indoor runs x2 each year 2 x 600k or 1 x 1000k ...
I'll worry about specs and techs later but for now I'm going to have to learn to clone from outdoor plants.
Keep in mind I can use my T5 tent to root them ....
Give me the methods that work best for you guys.
I don't know if it's any different but indoor i just cut the clone on an angle split the stem 1cm or so then into clonex then into soaked rockwool then into bunnings jobby thats been misted, if it's got big leaves i give em a trim. then under a 15w cfl for about 7-15 days and roberts ya mothers brother.
Cut a nice size clone off. Then examine it and cut it on a diagonal where a leaf or another branch joins, dip into clonex and straight into a hydrated Jiffy round propagation disk. Place in a cloning tray (we all have one- Bunnings sell em) with a misted lid, close vents (if in winter place on top of a heating mat). Wack under veg lights and forget about it for a week. Open vents after a week and plant it when it starts showing its hungry.
I've got all that and can do that no problem thanks
I'll be taking a tonne of cuttings for clones when I do my early January upskirt trim
Righto I need ppls easiest methods of taking cuttings from outdoor plants to use for clones indoor come march.
I'm planning on decking out my spare room for indoor runs x2 each year 2 x 600k or 1 x 1000k ...
I'll worry about specs and techs later but for now I'm going to have to learn to clone from outdoor plants.
Keep in mind I can use my T5 tent to root them ....
Give me the methods that work best for you guys.

Fill a small pot with coco and water in with full strength nutes or get some rooting plugs.
Using clean scissors or scalpel Cut off a young shoot.
Cut away most of the leaf so it wont transpire as much.
Dip in cloning gel.
Stick into coco.
Place under fluoro.

Get pretty much 99% strike rate doing it like that.

Outdoors i do the same except i stick the clones in a shady place until they root
Hey All ,, Howzitgoing,,,, I felt that us Aussie growers needed a network thread.... no matter how you soil, hydro or some other way ..please feel free to post your photos and experiences with growing the plant we all LOVE.... or just introduce yourself and say Giday
I myself am in the south east of our beautiful island/continent...... and I grow mostly indoors,,,but am planning on outdoor guerrilla style grow this summer,,,,,its almost upon us...its gonna be a hot one .....bongsmilie
for shits and giggles
I've got all that and can do that no problem thanks
I'll be taking a tonne of cuttings for clones when I do my early January upskirt trim
I had heaps more luck switching to an aero bucket. Cost me fuck all to make but get a heaps better strike rate and they don't need misting and shit. Just tap water and leave the cunts be for a week or 2, i have the pump on 30/ off 30 mins. Just a pump with a popup sprinker attached. Ya can use yoga mats from cheap as chips to hold the clones i prefer the turbo klone plugs


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I had heaps more luck switching to an aero bucket. Cost me fuck all to make but get a heaps better strike rate and they don't need misting and shit. Just tap water and leave the cunts be for a week or 2, i have the pump on 30/ off 30 mins. Just a pump with a popup sprinker attached. Ya can use yoga mats from cheap as chips to hold the clones i prefer the turbo klone plugs
This was the first prototype, looks much nicer tnow lol but you get the idea. I don't even use net pots now


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Yeah I know it's unorthodox but my mate
Takes his cuttings dips em in manuka honey puts them in a small stem vase on the kitchen windowsill and gets a decent strike rate. Much to my disbelief and amazement, these plants can adapt to almost anything take a bit of abuse and still survive and thrive. I'm still as amazed by them as I was the day I started growing because every grow teaches me so much new shit like that.