Aussie Growers Thread

It’s called a “prostate examination”. All men over 40 should have it done tho many don’t. Just like women need their breasts checked men need their prostate checked. It’s called saving lives thru early detection. Now tell me what’s sick about that ya bastard?
Seriously dude, you need to lose some weight and get out of that dark musty room, lit only by the glow of a trolls computer screen. Open the blinds up ffs get some sun on your bones, shave your face and SHOW US YOUR CURRENT GROW!!

Ah.. you're acting like an adult after 10 pages of watching your friends joke about pedophilia.. noted
It’s called a “prostate examination”. All men over 40 should have it done tho many don’t. Just like women need their breasts checked men need their prostate checked. It’s called saving lives thru early detection. Now tell me what’s sick about that ya bastard?
Seriously dude, you need to lose some weight and get out of that dark musty room, lit only by the glow of a trolls computer screen. Open the blinds up ffs get some sun on your bones, shave your face and SHOW US YOUR CURRENT GROW!!
Um,,no. Im over 40 and have had my prostate and bowel cancer test done. Its day surgery and a camera whilst ya out cold. Fk having a dirty pissed Dr shoving the thumb up my bum in a cubicle in a dirty filthy medical centre.
Um,,no. Im over 40 and have had my prostate and bowel cancer test done. Its day surgery and a camera whilst ya out cold. Fk having a dirty pissed Dr shoving the thumb up my bum in a cubicle in a dirty filthy medical centre.
I almost lost the old man to prostate, I get mine done too and so should all guys over 40
I'll prob book it in when I get my nuts cut...
Last time I went in for appendix surgery and the nurse shaved me I went to the local shopping centre and she was there ....I thought she was stalking me man she looked like she was on heat