Aussie Growers Thread

Mums now ex fucken cant stand peop,e like him come in n makes me do shit a certain way cuse heas dad had the best garden apparently i can’t stand the I know cuse iv been doing it for years if u can’t explain it ur don’t understand what’s going on a person shouldn’t say shit
Hay so how do I know when my p,ants will flower will it be when the days start getting shorter these have beeen in 24 hours lights on
Hay so how do I know when my p,ants will flower will it be when the days start getting shorter these have beeen in 24 hours lights on
May flower but it will take 2 weeks to show u properly
If they do they may reveg
Sometimes short flowering strains will finish flowering before Xmas like my nlxbb dud

I've got 2 starting to flower from my tent outside now gigs