Aussie Growers Thread

Hahahhaajjajajaj rofl I’m half joking for the shock laughs English is I need dick but don’t wanna be some ones fetish i Fukien hate it
I did. And yeah nah not for me I don’t think.
First thing being u need A LOT of plants, which I don’t want. Another thing is my shed is long and high but not overly wide at only 1600. Also it’s a whole new setup and the good ones are pretty exy. And not only that they tend to veg them for a few days to keep them short then flip. That def won’t work for me lol.

But it was good reading anywho
Most don't seem to use allot of plants they just grow large plants. They seem to get such a large GPW is all. @ttystikk did some nice ones.
Thats kinda why I ask . And I wasn't haven't a go rubes , geez, when have I been bothered by that before.. I was just stating that I'm new to this and my questions to u guys might seem stupid and a waste of Ur time ..sori.. thanx 2easy I wanna try to make the most out of my fuck up to start with, by trying to get it to go horizontally now and train it to grow all colas vertically.. I can't remember what the method is called.. iswell worth a perusal.
Super cropping and mainlining are also worth having a read on for later grows. There should be some threads on that in the Advanced cultivation section.
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