Aussie Growers Thread

all his bullshit actually nearly shit that thread down and would have cost gu some loyal customers. unfortunately for heisen the people on forums are actually such a small percentage of actual growers buying seeds
Yeah I don’t know if i have seen any cake and chem grown out yet, probably for that reason, but I’m really curious to see it, any on the other forums you on?
no those guys dont grow a lot of greenpoint gear. the closed forum im on those guys just have stupid elite gear you wouldnt believe and tons of landrace sativas and stuff as well. and the other forusm i have sort of backed away from the banter here is better
lol heisens a knob. i have known him over on thc farmer for a while. he doesnt have as much respect over there as he thinks. he can grow but its like yummy fur said any dipshit can grow good canna.

all of his ripping and all of his bullshit. how many times did he say if i was a breeder this and that but i would never ever do it and boom after drilling Gu into the ground for ages bang he suddenly has his own seed company lol. you watch him turn it on now that he realises Gu might actually be a better friend than a foe in the seed business
I stopped taking any notice of him when he started using herm WiFi pollen
But also the greenpoint strain hibernate has the stinkiest and strongest stem rub I think I've ever come across...and it's a she ;)
apparently the mom gu used for cake and chem is the real deal wedding cake, that heisen guy full apologised for saying they were fake coz he seen some pics of the mom in veg or something like that and yeah he reckons it def is the real deal. Apparently it can turn purple in veg and loves heaps of phospuros he reckons.... want to find a good female for a mom in the cake pack
You and the fuckin purple lol
who was it that popped the golden nuggets? was it you papasmurf99? i have to say im starting to get soe real nice smells. i feel like this one might actually put on a decent show