Yummy, listen mate, ease up cause your talking complete shite, and this thread does not really deserve it"
Something like that??
I should clarify, the fuckwads who have attacked me with their vile stupidity do deserve it, but as I said earlier I don't want to go after twat, my real target is the professionals who are bluffing you. Much as men bluff women in general.
Mate, I just cannot respond "to your [sic] talking complete shite" Maybe I am, you have to prove it to me, explain which bit and why it is shite, if you can't do that then you have no right to criticise. If I really was talking complete shite you be able to say what exactly it is and why. If you can't even explain yourself, then how the fuck are you going to communicate and get to know a women.
I've done all the hard work for you. It took me 30 years full time, no kids, working, fighting and fucking the whole time. There's not enough time in your life to do this. I've been down every dead end I've face to to all the anger, I've done the analysis, I've been true to myself. And I didn't even know what I was doing other than I was being true to myself. And my highest value is freedom. Yet I found out that lo and behold. I didn't ask for this, it was thrust upon me and believe you me, I'd rather just float around in the bay on my little rubber ducky with my silent electric motor and vape some OG Kush, can't wait to test out the FireFly 2, it definitively lives up to it's reputation as the tastiest vape of them all. You can vape with without even heating and enjoy the flavour. I loved it at first, then I fucking hated it, then I loved it again. It's takes some time, you really need to get to know it, it's a bit of a PITA but in the end it's worth it. Actually that's very much like a woman.
Something like that??
Wanna know who talks complete shite? The experts. Here I'll prove it to you with advice from one of the most famous and respected clinics in the world The Mayo Clinic. This is why academics and professionals hate me.
Roll this around in your brain, premature ejaculation is a multi 10's of billions dollar industry, I say, that's me, the lone voice vs the rest of the world. That's right me vs everyone, I say there's no such thing as premature ejaculation as a problem that requires anything more that teaching your girl about men and knowing how to to jerk her off better than she can do it herself.
You might ask her to wear a frock that gets you harder than Chinese arithmetic, and what are you going to do when she angrily says that she doesn't need clothes and 'why don't you go and fuck the dress then'. I'll tell you what you do, you get all scared and never mention it again. But you were just being honest, it's not like you can't take the dress off and fuck her brains out a few more time. If you like the dress then you bless it. You'll never do that because I'm the only one in the world whose been given the most secular set of circumstance. If I had kids then I couldn't have done anything. I knew when I was 17 I wasn't the breeding type. No house, no mortgage, no possessions apart from all I need, therefore nothing binding us, she's free to fuck off at anytime. But I have a value for freedom and I have no desire to manipulate anyone. Now I didn't know all this at the time, appreciate that. When we met I expected maybe two years. I may not have ventured into the madness had I had known what I was in store for.
And none of it would have been possible if 10 years before one guy, the only man I've ever met who I have any respect for, he fell in love with my elder sister, but then evil people intervened. But he told me something when I was 20 in London. One little sentence set in train a course of events. So think about that, that's the power of truth.
As I said, you guys are not my target. Oh got off track yeah so the mayo clinic what if I told you that their advice is to 'talk to your doctor, he might ask questions like "do you come prematurely when masturbating"' I fucking shit you not you couldn't make this up, I want to do it live as a comedy routine. Imagine it. You go to the doctor and say, "coming to quickly is ruining my sex life" and the doctor say "how does you wife feel about this" "oh no doc I'm not married I meant when I am pleasure myself, it's all over too quickly"
Don't believe me, I don't blame you...
Your doctor might ask very personal questions and might also want to talk to your partner. To help your doctor determine the cause of your problem and the best course of treatment, be ready to answer questions such as:
- How often do you have premature ejaculation?
- When did you first experience premature ejaculation?
- Do you have premature ejaculation only with a specific partner or partners?
- Do you experience premature ejaculation when you masturbate?