Well the first msg would be to teach girls to do what THEY like!! Teach them that what a man wants is insignificant to what makes them happy.
I can tell you right now I wax because I LIKE IT that way. Aesthetics. Never once in my teens was I under the impression that I should wax because that’s a how a man likes it. That’s the mistake you’re making. You’re not considering that women are making their own choice to do it. I couldn’t give two shits if my man likes it or doesn’t. If he told me tomorrow he’d like it if I grew “it” out, I’d say oh yeah that’s nice baby but not gonna happen sorry. And to flip it round - he shaves his nuts. Not cos he likes it, he doesn’t, but because I DO. So go figure that one.
Please stop asking for my opinion I’m no expert. I’m just a chick on a weed forum who likes chatting with like minded people.