Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
I haven't got a Naga yet,they're looking nice
They get a bit sensitive to sun and Ive noticed more aphids on them than the other chilli's hence the table to keep them off the grass. Good flavour tho if you can find it beyond the lancing rod sensation on your tongue


Well-Known Member
I get white ash and I don't flush. No need to leach if you don't have a build up of salts in ya medium.
Too true!!! I can tell in fabric pots as it leeches out it crystallizes, since I switched to organic its so much less leeching. I give water only last 2 weeks of flower as the plants winding down anyways, nutes ain't doin nothing.once shes in the downward spiral lol


Well-Known Member
Best pheno so far at day 18, will frost up nicely.....ABEF0BD1-14F4-4D94-8864-6314F8703C5D.jpeg
Plan on moving all those seeds to jiffy pellets this arvo, exciting times depending on how many females and males I get will determine future projects... next 12 months should be interesting