Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Been a bad year for males this year but there's not much you can do about it :/
Going to have to come up with a plan B to fill a couple of spots,I'm thinking about popping some more seeds or reveging some of the indoor plants which I was going to do anyway. No matter well you prepare or plan theres always something that pops up and fucks them around.
I reckon I've ended up with 7 out of 10 plants go male. I just keep planting seeds.


Well-Known Member
The other cancer patient I gave two caps to has left a msg to call him back. If it helped and he didn't spin out to much im not sure on my direction. to supply them and at what price (and do I then feel guilty about charging.?..) or say "the guy says he cannot supply you" idk..
I think if the person can afford to pay then charge them what you think is a fair price for your effort and risk,people without a lot of $ are a trickier situation but in the end you have to do what you're comfortable with. I subside the stuff that I make from my outdoor because it doesn't cost me much to produce but indoor costs a fair bit more to produce so I'm not sure I could just give that away.


Well-Known Member
Umm yeah I’m up,, and ,,, kinda fucked up I think,, off chops... thought it would be a good time to go chop the bottom branches out on the girls. THEN thought I’d top them too. I HAD NO IDEA WHAT I WAS DOJNG!! Jesus umm not sure what I did!!!DCF942DC-7A66-43C6-BB98-FB565464FEBE.jpeg

I could only focus long enouj for the one pic lol