Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Same here Jimmy. I also use weed for medicine. I have bad anxiety and the doctors had me on all these pills that didnt make me feel like me. I walked around all day like a zombie and didnt care about anything. I decided to do something about it and researched weed. I need a nice clear headed sativa leaning plant to help the anxiety. I dont see how self medicating could be illegal, it just doesnt make sence. As much as everyone doesnt like it i feel like Australia is a mini America and until the U.S legalize weed i dont see it happening here. I mean look at Cananda, the only resean they havent legalized it is pressure from the U.S.
and bang there you go it seems unless the states say its ok then its not ok, not just the people but the country has to stand up and be counted ,im sick of being lead around by my dick with the fear of it being cut off if we dont reform, people dont want codine they dont want zombie pills they want to feel the real world ,its ups its downs ,they want crap more than once a week ,they dont want their minds to be doled by the goverment controlled drugs ,We want a choice to be all that we can be
im going stop ranting because this is as far as i can go untill i learn more .
and rock just tell me shes not putting her high heel on that beautiful plant ,if so you will be like me forced to grow in the strangest of strangest spot forced to build so much shit just to hide your grow ,next im going to build a house on my grow room ,that will throw her off ha


Well-Known Member
haha go lace, he IS quite a cutie! lol haha

the UN eh, if they really want peace - they should be getting everyone on the weed lol

i suffer anxiety too n1 - depression too, and i have taken every little whte pill known to man. the last anti d they had me on was giving me crazy crazy migraines ffs. so now, i treat myself with mj. i wake up without any issues, i ACTUALLY SLEEP!!! without chemicals!!! it makes me a less stressed, happier version of me, and i'm thankful as fuck that i found something that can treat the range of shit i go through. so what, because it feels nice too it has to be naughty?? fuck off


Well-Known Member
yep will live in a stupid time
our people have lived through bad time ,evil times, hard times, war times, sad times ,good times, peace times and what do we get stupid times
so fucking stupid ,not just the weed but look at the state of our world ,dumb times indeed but its ok we will just put our head back in the sand and wait for someone to tell us what to do
ignorance is bliss ,in our dumb time we have surly proven this
if i was smarter i would of became a doctor and lead a charge towards this medical marijuana but my our true goals are only found when its too late for change
we need change these dumb times ,ok im done im just talking about things i dont know enough about
and tone it down the footy is on, cats are playing ,beer is in the fridge ,back to the sand for me


Well-Known Member
yer box is full jimbo, enjoy yer footy i'll talk to ya soon.

i gotta go make pumpkin soup lol

we really gotta figure this shit out. people need to know it's not a devil drug.


Well-Known Member
and rock just tell me shes not putting her high heel on that beautiful plant
Jim not too sure what you mean? I am sober now and maybe thats my problem with understanding it. I know i said i wouldnt worry and i tried not to but one of my plants is looking pretty sick and the other one is starting to show the same signs. I figure its nute burn and not a deficiency but would like it if someone could reassure me either way. I took the pH of the runoff water and it was 6.5 or thereabouts so i dont think its lockout of any sort. Also sorry i didnt enter in the conversation on legalising marijuana but i do feel the same as you guys but pesimistically i dont think it will ever change. Unless.........Jim for PM?


Well-Known Member
fuck bro starting at bottom going up could be
ph is good ,maybe a flush cmon rock fix it fix it now i have a link with the plant
i thought ur wife was getting pissed with the weed thing
pm box empty


Well-Known Member
Yeah just flushed with plain water. My mrs was pissed about the weed thing long ago. She is now just pissed with the copious amounts of time i spend on this website. Thanks for replying Jim but was there supposed to be a word after could be...?


Well-Known Member
i hope not
good chance im wrong
i hope

also my wife hates me being on here so much but i say its this or a hooker
ur choice honey


Active Member

Kinda lucky its so far into flower though. Just need her to survive for a few more weeks and your fine :D


Well-Known Member
i agree with yai n1 but its kinda early for a white strain to be going yellow
but ya it would eat r8s but then it could hold the best lines ever as well, i had a 318 is 98 for while and she was a nice car ,not enough balls but fuck she could handle


Fuck thats some sad news about Jats hope she fares well. If its the elec bill maybe more outdoor growin is needed, but if she got buzzed outdoor wise they been watchin for a while.
Hope this website didnt give them info that would be shite.


Well-Known Member
I'm here Jimmy...:-) Eightenough just left my place, he's going out to hit the piss, I am watching my 6 year old play wrestling on the PS3...Pretty boring Saturday night for me...:-) My hubby is sick in bed and so it my youngest, so its just me and the keyboard... Going to watch soppy movies after the 6 yr old hits the sack...