Aussie Growers Thread

The problem I seen lukey is 90% of us all get along be it black humour talking shit making jokes giving each other shit sharing grow knowledge sharing personal grow pics etc etc
That 10% namely 3 or 4 ppl that were offended couldnt just leave if they didnt like how we went about things all they could do is keep coming back to stir shit or argue the point.
And some of these ppl were the biggest hypocrites there are....
They arent as clean or as morale abiding that they want us to think...
Theres ppl that bullied yet called us bullies theres ppl that handed out their passwords to a third party yet preach confidentiality etc
The problem I seen lukey is 90% of us all get along be it black humour talking shit making jokes giving each other shit sharing grow knowledge sharing personal grow pics etc etc
That 10% namely 3 or 4 ppl that were offended couldnt just leave if they didnt like how we went about things all they could do is keep coming back to stir shit or argue the point.
And some of these ppl were the biggest hypocrites there are....
They arent as clean or as morale abiding that they want us to think...
Theres ppl that bullied yet called us bullies theres ppl that handed out their passwords to a third party yet preach confidentiality etc
Passwords to a third party? lol..did anyone believe that? haha
" I didn't do all that, I ummm, umm gave my passwords to someone on the interweb and they must of done it all..." hahaha
Gets on thread to catch up...reads...shakes head . This threads turned to shit..makes me embarrassed to be an Ozzy on the weed scene. Some good cunts on here tho and you fellas/girls know who you are. I haven't been on for ages and was going to update but I think I'll pass.. new Aussie GROWERS thread is in order..less shit talk and more plant talk. I love banter but it ends up like this everytime .
pm me mate
Passwords to a third party? lol..did anyone believe that? haha
" I didn't do all that, I ummm, umm gave my passwords to someone on the interweb and they must of done it all..." hahaha
I'm glad u corrected me there mate if I'm guilty of certain things other ppl must be accountable to ;) especially when it comes to vulnerable ppl they play with
security reasons aye bloke. someone bin makin threats. not that papasmurf99 cunt again. seen the smack head talkin bout havin cunts run in on. cunt deserves to have his skull caved in sayin words like that even thinkin em. am i right. gotta way of sortin dogs like that out. shark fishins a start
You seem like you don’t like papa... do u have beef with him?
Rock spider lol yeah hear that shit all the time from the gronks when I'm working at the jail when they wanna character assassinate another inmate, no different here.
I've gone back a bit to read up all I see is drama being played out but you seem like one of the sensible ones redfrog ( how do I tag ppl ?)
Then the last couple pages you were calling ppl names and I thought what an idiot you are
No that would be in reference to the post of visible deformity (VD)
Just fucking around dude .. trying to lighten the mood.. .. I agree with ya though. But those ppl need keep the race side of things out of conversations , cause thats gona get u noticed .
Who the fuck is this VD bloke mofo you let him off the hook easy dont you think ?
Interbreeding what a racist fuck wit lol
I've stirred enough shit ,, I was Gona , but I thought I'd keep it professional outa respect for u guys,
Cheers mate. Can you recommend a particular unit for a newbie?

Edit: As far as a good led for the last couple of weeks of veg. Do you build your own leds?
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