Aussie Growers Thread

You'll have a reprieve from my usual Friday night musical onslaught next weekend. I'm doing/running beer-competition things & have to remain sober/focused for the duration.

Before anyone asks, YES, I CAN actually go for 3 days without indulgence in intoxicants:finger:
But why would you want to?
Long answer: I have this thing that happens once a year that requires me to be ultra-professional & focused. I do it.

I do it, as no-one else is prepared to take-on the challenge because it's too fucking hard & no-one else wants the responsibility.

I take-on the challenge.

Short answer: Professionalism.

Edit: Don't get me wrong - with that many delicious beers on offer, I DO drink, just don't get blathered.
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Dearly Beloved, let us pray whilst I quote from the book of Gigs:

Leftover butterflied leg of lamb.
Home-made: pickled onions, pickled Jalapeno's, sauerkraut & chilli condiment.

And some boiled spuds....


Not owning, licence requirement...You leave my old boat anchor alone, she was allot of (slow) fun.
Yeah, all good. I've got mates with Harleys & tatt's & would often jibe them that they're too scared to go fast or to lean a bike over 40' from vertical for fear of scraping their precious bespoke foot-pegs & custom pipes.
Yeah, all good. I've got mates with Harleys & tatt's & would often jibe them that they're too scared to go fast or to lean a bike over 40' from vertical for fear of scraping their precious bespoke foot-pegs & custom pipes.
Custom foot controls are expensive, Pipes not so much and the sparks at night look cool. I was on a Dyna from work one night throwing sparks at the guy behind me and the mufflers came off (they were a pair). I turned around to get them but the pillion of the bike behind went and picked them up with bare hands, he wont do that again I recon.
A lot of Harley guys race and do track days. There's a lot of owners out their that have a sports bike and a HD, the lucky ones also have a dirt bike. Some may even have the time to play golf.
I'm getting the bike bug back lately. The wife misses it to. Not sure I want to go the HD route. Ive always like the Honda Valkyrie. Not the Interstate version with the bags (but the wife would like those. Long way from going away for the week with just a backpack for two people). but the real one. 6 cylinders just looks cool. Not many coming up for sale either. Id love another Sports bike but...I need a licence and I'm in the danger age for those. 'Bussa is a thought. But maybe to much fun for me to keep a licence.
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Id love another Sports bike but...I need a licence and I'm in the danger age for those. 'Bussa is a thought. But maybe to much fun for me to keep a licence.

'Highest statistics for motorcycle fatalities is the blokes that used to own sports bikes & get another one when they're older & not sharp enough to handle it when things get "squirelly". I'll fess-up & put myself squarely in that category:cry:

A 'Busa would be a dead-set (pardon the obvious pun) quest for oblivion & loss of licence. I read a magazine article a few years back about a guy that had an after-market turbo fitted to one & had to wonder about the guy's sanity :wall:

I'd love another bike, but can't really justify it to myself or the missus.
'Highest statistics for motorcycle fatalities is the blokes that used to own sports bikes & get another one when they're older & not sharp enough to handle it when things get "squirelly". I'll fess-up & put myself squarely in that category:cry:

A 'Busa would be a dead-set (pardon the obvious pun) quest for oblivion & loss of licence. I read a magazine article a few years back about a guy that had an after-market turbo fitted to one & had to wonder about the guy's sanity :wall:

I'd love another bike, but can't really justify it to myself or the missus.
I used to have Duke 996 about 12 years ago. Sold it I just couldn’t ride it with out doing at least twice the speed limit. It was fun while I was young and free or was it reckless. I would like another bike but my Mrs wants to do up a car first to cruise in. Been looking for a while but nothing is jumping out.

A 'Busa would be a dead-set (pardon the obvious pun) quest for oblivion & loss of licence. I read a magazine article a few years back about a guy that had an after-market turbo fitted to one & had to wonder about the guy's sanity :wall:

Jamie and the boys from S & R Pro did allot of turbo ones. I have riddin one with an extended swingarm. Was fun. Licence wouldn't last long.
I used to have Duke 996 about 12 years ago. Sold it I just couldn’t ride it with out doing at least twice the speed limit. It was fun while I was young and free or was it reckless. I would like another bike but my Mrs wants to do up a car first to cruise in. Been looking for a while but nothing is jumping out.
There nice bike's at speed. Uncomfortable toddling around though.
Holden, Ford or?
Hi ladies and gents. Just dropping in to say g'day.

Also wanted to show off my cali cannon f2's. They turned out awesome. Increased yield over the original which I was after and smell is even funkier.

That male definitely turned out to be a major stud. Can't wait to try the golden nugget x call cannon crosses to see what that male did with the golden nugget

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