Aussie Growers Thread

Id rather it be heat stress that pic i got off the net was from broad mites an i can not be fuckd dealin with them little fuckers. All i can do is let em ride it out anyway probs wont be throwin any more nutes at them till flowerin kicks in..

Just grab some bugs just in case maybe.

Also if anyone’s looking for gnat predators
Nicely done reza good lookin plants to. The weather stripin is a good idea with mine i was going to screw thin ply around the inside edges of the door the weather strip would finish it off nicely. Crazy amount of bugs if it aint sealed up good.
That a carbon filter in there aswell an wat sorta fan you using for it

Yeah carbon filter. Just a cheap ass 4in filtaroo combo.
Tryna do some google diagnostics, anyone on here reckon theres a resemblance in the 2 plants
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How long have you had the markings / streaks on the fans? Have you seen any Thrips? They can cause the leaf streaking.


1. The leaf streaking and necrosis on new growth could indicate a virus. (Not good).
2. If you’ve seen Thrips that will explain the streaking, and you could have broad mites and that will cause the new growth necrosis.
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Cant say i have seen thrips on any plants. Does this look like thrip damage
Fuk im hoping its something simple cuase its only affected bout 3 plants so far an theres 10 more in the same area with them..
Yes, It does a bit, however I’d be expecting to see similar damage on your other plants close by
Allot of the rwisted growth is lookin like brd mite from wat ive seen. Reckon a dose of neem would do anything haven had much luck with it myself though
@JimyTheCook .
I gotta hit the hay. As you won’t have time to get predators in, I’d go out tonight and hit all your plants with what you’ve got..Neem I think you said you’ve got. Then google broad mite control. Once you’ve started with Neem you wont be able to use predators. Broad mites are a friggin pain to get rid of and you’ll have to treat often and for a while, and use different types of sprays.
It may be best to get rid of the one plant showing the infection and start treating the others.
If you can. Put a bag over it, pull it, close the bag and dispose of it well.

IPM.....prevention is better than cure!
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