Well-Known Member
Yea, good points ozy, will have a look when I get home from nightshift.
Just a bit strange to me, and seems even stranger now that you blokes have no idea either.....? Worst comes to worst I might have to do a taste test haha.
I had a quick read back on your posts on this that I missed. First up I thought ahhh that looks like sap, seen that before, hence I mentioned that. Then I’ve seen you said it’s isolated around the middle and lower. Is that on all the plants? Cuz that’s got me leaning toward a fungus. Add to that I think you said you saw it on one now a couple. Seen some weird looking funguses before. Also looked at pic again, and some marks are flat and marked on / into leaf near edge.
It won’t be from nutes, that’d look like a burn, and not raised. Beernutz mentioned along the lines of a thick or clumped residue from the foliar spray....possibility, however if that’s from neem I’d think it’d be amber in colour, unless it changed colour with sun / heat.
I’d hit em with a fungicide just to be on the safe side anyway, if possible on growth stage, test on a few leaves with it, unless you can isolate it to sap from other plants or tree.
Still a bit confused on this one.
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