Aussie Growers Thread

I'd still rotate a couple for ipm purposes ...maverick and neem in veg for me bit guys use green cleaner as it can be used thru flower as well If ur having trouble after week 2
Sometimes if the plants are big enough in flower I'm like Fuck the carerpillers they can't get thru 1/4 of my plant lol
Green cleaner does sound the goods but carries a nice price tag think ebay has it listed for almost 50buks for 60ml..
Itd take a month for any chewin pest to make any real affect on a big plant unless there in bulk numbers.. I see a few chewd leaves an think fuckn hear we go me plants are fukd lol..
Green cleaner does sound the goods but carries a nice price tag think ebay has it listed for almost 50buks for 60ml..
Itd take a month for any chewin pest to make any real affect on a big plant unless there in bulk numbers.. I see a few chewd leaves an think fuckn hear we go me plants are fukd lol..
I find hitting them with maverick before a forecast rain coming works wonders
I seen a few grass hoppers around the back yard none around the plants though but i thought id make a spray to go around the plants for a defence type of deal to keep them away.. Spray was made up of fungicide/miticide (stinks of sulphar) hot as fuk chillie paste some lemon juice an garlic went out an sprayed everywhere around an under the plants an bang out jump a cple hoppas then a cple bout 5mm long ones came cralwin out an now i notice a few chewed leaves here an there.. Gotta go away for a cpl days so bit of luck the spray keeps them away but i doubt it will
I'd still rotate a couple for ipm purposes ...maverick and neem in veg for me bit guys use green cleaner as it can be used thru flower as well If ur having trouble after week 2
Sometimes if the plants are big enough in flower I'm like Fuck the carerpillers they can't get thru 1/4 of my plant lol
Haha, or 1/20th of Bertha! :lol:
Awesome jimy!
I found buying eco-neem (same active ingredient as neem oil) in a concentrate and mixing it yourself is the cheapest way to go!

beernutz also recommended dipel as a safer alternative during flowering for caterpillars. Not sure if it will work on earwigs??
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Yea i run the eco neem. From memory its round 22buks where as Mavriks was round 16. I run both plus the mancozeb for the mites but now im flowering i gotta mix it up again.. Will run the dipel an maybe G Cleaner if i can talk meself into spendin that much money.. Ear wigs no longer a problem really numbers went from being 100s to the odd one here an there from the use of Mavrik.. There is a few good sprays that have been mentioned on here that we can use its just the dollas holdin me back on buyin them..

Edit: Not that neem or mavrik from bunnings is all that exspenive an worth the dollas but wen ya got more then a few plants to deal with the dollas add up quick..
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I’m in W.A, most Of my plants have started flowering. 1 plant started close to 2 weeks ago while I still have a few that haven’t but look like they’ll be throwing out pistols any day now. Very strain dependant I think!?
I only have 3 plants but all of them seem to be 2 weeks behind the other
3 different strains
Yea i run the eco neem. From memory its round 22buks where as Mavriks was round 16. I run both plus the mancozeb for the mites but now im flowering i gotta mix it up again.. Will run the dipel an maybe G Cleaner if i can talk meself into spendin that much money.. Ear wigs no longer a problem really numbers went from being 100s to the odd one here an there from the use of Mavrik.. There is a few good sprays that have been mentioned on here that we can use its just the dollas holdin me back on buyin them..
Stock up on ipm stuff after this harvest man
Everything you need for the next season I tend to buy the year before
So much easier when everything's on hand the following season like an ocd grower