Aussie Growers Thread

truble with building little dams is A. its fkn hard work and B evaporation. Tarps put up over winter and chanelling to storage bins (with a lid) are just easy and takes evap out of the equation. Those wheelie bins by the way make a racket when ur wheeling them through the bush.
build many holes, fresh supply
so i just recieved an order from msnl seeds which was a baby bib lmao absolutely could not find a seed anywhere, where as my previous order came thru no did come in a bunch of socks tho at least the seeds were there lmao.
Fresno is an ole mate of mine when I first started here gday to the bloke if he reads this
I thought about it the other night hey
Might be a definite if we have rain forecast
Before I started indoors all I grew was outdoors I had a couple of greenhouses though and used to run fans even had a big old carbon filter. Dirt is where it’s at I’ll be sticking to soil from now on indoors or out, I was a lazy cunt this grow it show but I’ll still make bank