Aussie Growers Thread

Ketamine woulda blown the legs out from underneath ya? Only seen 2 people on it 1 was a mate a good 10 year ago an the lad was completely buckled 2 was me kid so dsn count
Fun stuff if you dose it right you don’t want to go down the k hole but just run real fast across the edge of it.
Acid and ket is a ride fo sho but I’m starting to get older and it’s a 2-3 times a year with the boys these days
Nah ive had my fair share over the years never got into the lsd an ketamine though gave everything else a good run though. Ill settle for a nice cold beer now days though

I'm about to biild a house

Relax, mate, it's just Friday night

it’s been a while since I’ve d web’d. Someone can probably point you in the right direction. As for dose I’d be going 75-150micro grams but sky is the limit so just keep eating. I’ve seen guys drop 1000-1500 in a single dose. Pretty much eat until the pink elephant says not too