Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
The Attitude seedbank sells single seeds, why not just buy 1 afghan kush seed and grow it too a mother, i got a 10pk original afghani 1 from them for a pretty cheap price with heaps of freebies so its well worth the money, no need for trading with great seedbanks around :)

Chunky it wasnt me that was trading/selling it was godlike but i was blamed cause i owned the group, im unbanned though.


Active Member
... but sativas are worth the wait :-)

My mate who has been selling good quality dope for 25 years seems to think that coucklock indicas are more popular amongst his customers.

I think it is because most dope for sale would be indicas as they grow quicker and profit the grower quicker, and most smokers don't get to appreciate sativas.

How long has the White Rhino been on 12/12?
It sounds a lot like an indica with strong sedative effects ... I have seeds of White Rhino and will be growing it within the next 18 months :-)

I've just been reading through the strain info for my seeds and I seem to have a few sativas.

It's nice to be a grower because ... sativas are worth the wait :-)
Yer ive only ever had SLH from the sativa range so im interested in my Jock Horror results :) The "male" i hit with CS is looking a little worst for wear (i hit it EARLY veg stage as its an auto so not sure when to hit) but it should recover. As for the female she is up with the WR in a 25L r/DWC and doing well now.

Ive already grown and cut the rhino i just have some seeds i would of got from a hermi and female so im hoping for female seeds to then pollinate and get more from to carry the strain on. Doing the same with the Jock but will only do half the plant manually so i can still get a smoke.

As for the rhino smoke, yer its a hell strong smoke. Knocks me on my ass for a couple hours.

Yer being a PERSONAL growersativa is fine with me :)


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1366273

This is the mother room about two months ago theres 2 White Widows 2 Pineapple Chunks 2 White Rhinos and the 2 missing up the back are my Skunks which ive been cloning for 3 years now.. As we speak i have over 70 clones in my tanks (I use fish tanks with water heaters and raised alluminium trays) 50 of which are being sold tomorrow- all Pineapple Chunks. Im over growing anything sativa and this is why im after Afghan Kush. No one I know grows this strain or anything Im willing to settle with and i cant put an ad in the paper can I? Im not one to sit on a computer and talk to people about my problems with my rooms and brag about my harvests, but I assumed this was a network of GROWERS not smokers so i simply asked the question.. No harm intended, it is a website dedicated to cultivating cannabis so its a safe assumption someone looking for said clones would prefer to ask on here instead of going into 20 hydro shops and asking strangers in there true??

And shitlips chunk iv seen a guy on here growing with 10000 watts which is close to what im running with hundreds of pictures and everyone loves him, do you think thats for personal use? Your a wanker mate think ya can hit when your on the computer all the time- draconian laws in one sentence and trafficking in another. All i asked was if anyone was willing to trade clones, first im a cop them im a noob and now im a fuckwit. You do know you can clone almost any plant including the grass on your lawn- you learn shit like that at university.. Anyways seems no one was interested in this idea so im gunna leave all you guys alone, but not before i tell chunk to fuck his own face until he farts blood

Any law enforcement agencies reading through these 1000s of pages; this is not an admission of guilt i simply enjoy trolling random internet forums lying to feel important
yes mate im willing to trade clones , whats your address and phone number ?


Active Member
when are the outdoors gonna start to flower? i've asked this question before most people on the forum say its end of feb, but a few mates swear its the end of the month.


Well-Known Member
when are the outdoors gonna start to flower? i've asked this question before most people on the forum say its end of feb, but a few mates swear its the end of the month.
i think it was more do with where they are placed and how much direct light reaches them for so many hours , as well as the time of the year.
last year my brothers outdoor flowerd at the end of jan where as mine was end of feb but hes was only only getting half the day of direct sun


Active Member
heres some pics of my first attempt at honey oil
i used 28 grams of trim
i ended up with 2.8g honey


Active Member
smells fucking excellent man lol
i also got 3 rolly papers covered wiping up what was left in the bowl lol bout to go outside and smoke one now :P

i still got close to 2 ounces of trim and stem left for a couple more batches
the only thing i did fuck up on was i used a bowl and what a bitch it was to scrape out lol next time i will use a square or rectangle dish


Well-Known Member
That looks nice man, i had the same problem when i made my oil, had a hard time scraping the rest from the bowl, real messy stuff haha


Active Member
Looks great Odlaw!!!! Will have to teach me how to do that in a couple months :P

As for for bowl: When i was a tad younger and making smoke bombs (caremalize some sugar with kno3) it would leave a fucking mess in the pot at the end. Best way to clean it was to fill it with water and bring to a boil to melt the stuff back into solution and was a breeze to clean then :)

Howdy Terrance, what might you be growing? Or looking at getting that thumb green for the first time?


Active Member
man....ive bn growing since i was like 7\8 my hps set up crackn 2=600wt and a bio organic hydroponnic crop wit a mate....out last grow was cryptonite.........a special blend we made come initially from a mango strain it musta bn mango crossd wit orange crush i think the seed's to begin with ....but by tym we were done with them they were not jus orange no more......after manipulating molecular structures ect.......i come out with the cryptonite.....had tints of purple and red thru-out it and was also had white furs and a few orange.......atm my damn crop last night in fact one went hermaphradite i am thinking damn dreeded balls.......but i have bn using reverse on em....seem to repress the male cycle from my own experiance and maintain ur female plants.......the ones we got out bush.which are both bio and hydroponic......many many many strains...sumwhere around 35 or so diff strains...couldnt possibly name em all here......had a hemie out there also but the reverse kept em all sorted also..ive grown without reverse b4 hemies,not a easy feat to keep seedless........but there are ways.......anyhow right now......i think i got mangoes ,white widow,afghan kush,and rainbow kush.........but they are just my indoor hydroes........ill have to get back to u on the other strains.....i know a one is orange crush manipulated that it has a tint of blue and red.....and red and orange and white furs....trichlomes i lost track of the strains....theyve all mutated anyhow........ this pic
isnt cryptonite but the season b4 it hope this damn link loads.......wasnt a bad smoke either......


Well-Known Member
If i were you i wouldnt be uploading pics to myspace, those guys will give all your details to the coppas in a heartbeat
same with youtube, last year an aussie bloke got done for uploading videos of his plants on youtube, aussie cops got his details and busted him

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
Welcome to Sunny Queensland.

It has officially gone beyond a joke - we are going under.

This little downpour is going to cost many more lives (8 dead so far - 70 odd missing) and is going to cost billions to fix the infrastructure that has been washed away.
Insurance permiums (house, contents, cars etc) will rise throughout Australia, local rates, State taxes and Federal taxes will all increase to pay for the repair bill.

And ... my dogs smell ... like smelly wet dogs, then again the whole house smells damp & musty, mould growing everywhere and I think mushrooms are growing out of my armpits.



Well-Known Member
hey all,whats up
been a while so i thought ill drop in say hi
god: i hope your all right and sure the aussie public will what it can to help , im thinking of heading up there when the water level drop to give a hand as im a builder

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
hey all,whats up
been a while so i thought ill drop in say hi
god: i hope your all right and sure the aussie public will what it can to help , im thinking of heading up there when the water level drop to give a hand as im a builder
Thanks for your concern, but I will be fine.
I just went grocery shopping and experienced "panic buying" - shelves being emptied far quicker than they could be filled.
Our major fresh food distribution area at Rocklea is probably under water already so fruit and veg will be unavailable within a day or two.

This flood will surpass the famed 1974 floods when Brisbane went under, and Brisbane has probably 10 times the population now so the damage & disruption is going to be significant.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your concern, but I will be fine.
I just went grocery shopping and experienced "panic buying" - shelves being emptied far quicker than they could be filled.
Our major fresh food distribution area at Rocklea is probably under water already so fruit and veg will be unavailable within a day or two.

This flood will surpass the famed 1974 floods when Brisbane went under, and Brisbane has probably 10 times the population now so the damage & disruption is going to be significant.
Already disrupted me, can't work and my house is in one of the areas that has had voluntary evacuation warnings broadcast on the news.

Either way i'm not there and can't get back.