Aussie Growers Thread

Anyone here grown blueberry gum before? Im about to start flowering soon and curious to see what others think of it, cant find much details anywhere
Dude fuck the jars off.....really it doesnt matter is what im trying to say, i waited for ages to get wide mouth mason jars hear in Oz, i ordered the full pint jars.

.....this is what happened

they arrived all sweet and shit, but i didnt think about it too well, you fit less in your pressure cooker or pot if your just steaming, and hear is where the prob lies, i keep getting contaminations and now i have to throw away a full jar and then completely sterilise it before next use, and i find after a while the lids have a tendacy to rust up,
....I just use tapered drinking glasses that are half pint size and i use trusty old foil for the lids, doubled up of course, this makes it way easy to buy-I go to the reject shop and get like a half dozen for $8 or so...CHEAP AS!!!, when you get contams its a littleasier to check onna a small jar than a big jar, and colonising is WAY quicker, you just need more of them thats all...

Hope this can help you my fellow psychonaut

P.s what state are you from?

O too late :( I already ordered my Jars (i went for the 250ml for ease of use but more of them) and they SHOULD arrive Tomorrow (monday)

For me its more a "lets try to see if i can grow em" sort of experiemnt so having thousands or just one or two isnt an issue for me. Doubt i will ever go into growing shrooms as an ongoing task like weed. Weed is fun for the different strains and can be used fairly often where as shrooms i see as a try once and MAYBE go back every year or so but deff not as regular as weed. I might go 50/50 with jars and glasses and see what has better results :)

Do you use rice flour and vermiculite as your media? If so does it HAVE to be brown rice flour?

Im from NSW and got my spores from a mate who i doubt would reveal thier source to me lol. The next thing i want to try is Salvia and peyote and then i will have tried all the "drugs" i want to ever try. Not into this synthetic shit (ice, heroin, etc)
Well It's official, the bubble cloner method is the best I've used, 4 days and all 7 clones have sprouted roots, oddly enough the ones who stems I damaged (scraped) seem to be the best, finally some good news on the growing front for me.
Well It's official, the bubble cloner method is the best I've used, 4 days and all 7 clones have sprouted roots, oddly enough the ones who stems I damaged (scraped) seem to be the best, finally some good news on the growing front for me.

of course it is man
by scraping you have exposed more area for her to root from a lot easier
i do that on bonsai cuttings so i so i been doing it on all my cuttings and all have rooted in less than week with just a humidity dome and propagation mat
Nice one Chunky! I love my bubble cloner thats the only way i clone now


of course it is man
by scraping you have exposed more area for her to root from a lot easier
i do that on bonsai cuttings so i so i been doing it on all my cuttings and all have rooted in less than week with just a humidity dome and propagation mat

I read about it on normal clones I didn't think it would make as significant an impact on the bubble cloner.

About to go seed shopping again, might try some more KC brains seeds and get my self some Iranian Autoflower and Columbian sky's (dr greenthumbs).
Hey All ,, Howzitgoing,,,, I felt that us Aussie growers needed a network thread.... no matter how you soil, hydro or some other ...
Hey All ,, Howzitgoing,,,, I felt that us Aussie growers needed a network thread.... no matter how you soil, hydro or some other ...

If your an Aussie why advertise medical cards? Pretty sure its Federal and ALL state law that weed is a no no regardless?
hey skiz, good stuuf mate. i actually growing some cubensis that originated from woolongong. i get my spores sent over from canada.
hey ive got salvia, i got some 10x and some 30x, ive got a gram of each, i dont think i'll be doing it again, dont get me wrong its spastictically mother fucking powerful shit, but as a psychedelic lover it doesnt do it for me, i had a mate who tried mescaline from the peyote cacti when he was in south america, he said it was the bestest!! my fav movie is fear and loathing and that would be my dream is to carry that suitcase around with me....hahahaha!!

yeah i use Brown rice flower but you can just blend up your own brown rice.....MAKE SURE it's 100% natural and organic!!!!!!!!

and your gonna have troubles with keeping them at 29 degrees while colonising, well i did, i had to go out and get an electrical timer and set that up with a mini heater in a cuboard to keep temps up, i use a hydrometer (just measures the temp and humidity) to keep things checked

good luck and dont underestimate the powers and FUSTRATION of contaminations

peace out Bro!!
hey skiz, good stuuf mate. i actually growing some cubensis that originated from woolongong. i get my spores sent over from canada.
hey ive got salvia, i got some 10x and some 30x, ive got a gram of each, i dont think i'll be doing it again, dont get me wrong its spastictically mother fucking powerful shit, but as a psychedelic lover it doesnt do it for me, i had a mate who tried mescaline from the peyote cacti when he was in south america, he said it was the bestest!! my fav movie is fear and loathing and that would be my dream is to carry that suitcase around with me....hahahaha!!

yeah i use Brown rice flower but you can just blend up your own brown rice.....MAKE SURE it's 100% natural and organic!!!!!!!!

and your gonna have troubles with keeping them at 29 degrees while colonising, well i did, i had to go out and get an electrical timer and set that up with a mini heater in a cuboard to keep temps up, i use a hydrometer (just measures the temp and humidity) to keep things checked

good luck and dont underestimate the powers and FUSTRATION of contaminations

peace out Bro!!

I wont even pretend to know what mushy's i have as i got them from a mate and still VERY unsure about them in general....i must really hit the books more!!!

The Jars still have not arrived which is pissing me off a little but i guess i can wait. For the tempts i bought a thermostat the other week so ill hook it up to an IR light to keep those tempts up :)

As for contams, i work in microbiology and know all to well how even the BEST practices can get contams. Nothing worse than doing 10 plates for a patient only to find the doctor took a shit house sample from them *rolleyes* Im thinking of inoculating some plates with my spores (although ive heard mixed results if this will work) and include a nice penacillin to keep out the common contams ill get (mainly staph as we are ALL covered in the shit lol)

O i was tmepted to import salvia but im not THAT interested in it to go through the possible risk of customs finding it and although i have got seeds before i still do not like the idea of importing them without the correct treatments as i would hate to bring some Euro shit disease into this wonderful country.....that said if your not going to let people get it for personal use then what do they expect? I would MUCH prefer to pay a little extra and get customs to check for disease and treat the seeds correctly but i dont see that ever happeneing anytime soon.

Im yet to watch fear and loathing in LV but many of my mates who enjoy thier herbs swear by the movie lol. I better check what flour i have then as it is more than likely processed.....Off to the health food stores i guess to pay 10x as much.

O and in regards to contams again, I have my glove box with a bunch of HEPA filters to create positive air pressure using 4x 80mm computer fans which even sucking through the filters seal my hand flaps VERY well. I will more than likely also duct my inlet for the air into a combustion chamber to help sterilise the air and at the same time up the heat a little :)

On a side note:
Today i got a shirt from Europe unbeknown to me it had packets of Arjan Haze #1, Pineapple express and C99 Hybrid seeds...naturally i was shocked so had to throw them away ;)

Picture 413.jpgPicture 414.jpgPicture 412.jpgso how do you guys do your chunks of hashish which method do u use??ice water,naptha,acetone,or ahsking screen,bublbe gum hash ect.....i jus done this from a ice water procces but prefer naptha or surgical spirits(the stuff u use for ur ears when u get pierced or infected pierce-ing's )or acetone or ice water......idk but sugical spirits is probally one of the best to get ur trichlones and canniboids from ur weed by bleaching it ....what method do u guys use.......????perpetual growing atm weed wise......hydro and other lol....
hi all been growing for a while and was thinking about trying some skunk#1 from sensi. i know its an oldie but i heard its a goodie. any one on here ever grown it before and have harvest pics. heard its only suppose to get to about 1.5m high but about 3.5m across. hope someone can help ....thanks in advance.
hey man, i'm from nimbin too! Skunks great in the northern rivers, especially if you plant right and fertilize properly (plus it packs a bit of a punch THC wise :D )