Aussie Growers Thread

Hi quick question, is it fine to use normal Australian tap water that has just been ph and is at room temperature or do you have to use distilled water? Thanks in advance
Hi quick question, is it fine to use normal Australian tap water that has just been ph and is at room temperature or do you have to use distilled water? Thanks in advance

hey pegleg, if your indoors yeah its fine to use tap water man.
you will get better yeilds if you watch your ph.
I didt check my ph once indoors on my last run. but I also yeilded bout 5ozs less.
hey pegleg, if your indoors yeah its fine to use tap water man.
you will get better yeilds if you watch your ph.
I didt check my ph once indoors on my last run. but I also yeilded bout 5ozs less.
alright thanks heaps, so I can use normal tap water but just need to ph it is that right, what ph level do you recommend?
Case in point:

Wonder Woman that I vegged for WAAAYYYY too long:
View attachment 4800819

They're growing into the light & getting burned (the one you saw in the greenhouse earlier had to be removed to the greenhouse).

I'm now contemplating re-potting them all into 3 Gal pots & setting them all up as an outside SCROG on plastic pallets with star-pickets to support the netting.

'Just contemplating stuff....
Use WHITE.instead...much better, once compared the increase in illumination is obvious. Keep cracking. , "stay high keep low".
Hi quick question, is it fine to use normal Australian tap water that has just been ph and is at room temperature or do you have to use distilled water? Thanks in advance
Mate, I've spent 20+ years on homebrewing forums & the best responses start with "It depends........"

It depends where you are & what your "Tap" water contains.

Melbourne has some of the best "tap" water in the world (ie. it contains very little dissolved chemicals) & is very "soft". Virtually a blank canvas for adding stuff. Chlorates & chloramines are added to make it "safe" to drink straight out of the tap, but they dissipate to the air after a day left to the elements.

Go to Adelaide & you wouldn't want to drink the tap water, as it has a shitload of stuff in it that makes it almost undrinkable. Trust me - I've tried & almost gagged.

If you're in an area that uses bore water, you're gonna need to get your water tested to find out just how good/bad it is.

Ph is another thing entirely.

Does that give you some food for thought?
Use WHITE.instead...much better, once compared the increase in illumination is obvious. Keep cracking. , "stay high keep low".
I've had these girls under 600W MH their whole life & only switched to HPS in the past week. They're already in flower, so I intend to just go with it.

I'm honestly contemplating just getting them outside under the harsh Australian sun in bigger pots to finish-off their flowering.

I'll work it out & cop the consequences of my decisions.
with reguards to scheme water, ya need to test it first, some tap is ok at arround 400ppm while other shires dilute the fresh dam water with bore water, plus adding chlorine to it, :spew:my advice get a filter at least or use a small rain tank with filter and get set up for next year
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Hi quick question, is it fine to use normal Australian tap water that has just been ph and is at room temperature or do you have to use distilled water? Thanks in advance
You dont need to use distilled water for any grow.
In regard to your tap water PH then it should be fine for a soil grow ( if ur tap water ph is like 9 then no its not) but if in hydro or a media then yes PH matters a huge amount.
with reguards to scheme water, ya need to test it first, some tap is ok at arround 400ppm while other shires dilute water dam with bore water, plus adding chlorine to it, :spew:my advice get a filter at least or use a small rain tank with filter and get set up for next year
Bursto, that is VERY, VERY bad advice (except for collecting rain water).

400ppm of WHAT?? That's an absolute SHITLOAD! You need to know what's in your water before you can adjust it.

If you can't remember Beernutz from a couple of months ago, you might want to re-think your consumption of alcohol & weed as a problem with your short-term memory loss & stop posting Doja-Cat You-Tube video's. Venus is gone, so you don't need to pander to her any more.
You dont need to use distilled water for any grow.
In regard to your tap water PH then it should be fine for a soil grow ( if ur tap water ph is like 9 then no its not) but if in hydro or a media then yes PH matters a huge amount.

depends on if the local water authorities use chlorine or chloramine. Chlorine will evap at room temp and atmospheric pressure , it’s is only suspended in tap water from pressure. Chloramine will not evap out of tap water and will need to be filtered out or a chemicals neutraliser used. Don’t know of any mains in Australia using chloramine but it’s worth keeping an eye out for.
fuck yeah cool. cheers for that.
my mates been onto me for a few seasons that might be the go for him he has a few acres will just dump 1 of them in the middle of 1 of his paddocks.
I'll do the same phresh silent fan and an carbon filter.

how many litres are your grow bags you use.
No dramas jzs,
Air pots are fairly small, mainly 10 gallon, have a couple of 45 gallon pots aswell, (Can grow huge plants in small pots with coco)
I have a fairly decent plant number so is easier and a lot cheaper to go with smaller pot sizes and water more frequently.
depends on if the local water authorities use chlorine or chloramine. Chlorine will evap at room temp and atmospheric pressure , it’s is only suspended in tap water from pressure. Chloramine will not evap out of tap water and will need to be filtered out or a chemicals neutraliser used. Don’t know of any mains in Australia using chloramine but it’s worth keeping an eye out for.
Something I found interesting when I was growing dwc/rdwc, is the difference in root colour when using tap water to RO water.
When I used straight tap water (450 ppm and could smell the chlorine! Lol)
Roots were amazingly white, I found when I was using RO water, any little issue like a light leak, water temp crept too high or a bubbler stopped working that it wouldn’t take long for the roots to get that light brown/unhealthy colour to them, if I saw this colour I would run my next bucket with pure tap water and use tap water when topping up, next bucket change roots would be pure white! Lol.
Cheapest additive to prevent root rot :lol:
Hi quick question, is it fine to use normal Australian tap water that has just been ph and is at room temperature or do you have to use distilled water? Thanks in advance
Tap water is fine but seedlings and very young plants will grow a bit faster and look a little healthier using RO water from my experience.
Once they are about a foot high then the tap water won’t bother them.
(My waters bad, so you may not notice a difference in young plants

Don’t use any beneficials if your using tap water, the chlorine will kill them.

Always ph AFTER adding nutes (very important)

PH varies depending on what your growing in.

I suggest to research a little before you plant any seeds, a simple google search will tell you what ph range for your medium and give you a lot of basic growing advice. Good luck!
No dramas jzs,
Air pots are fairly small, mainly 10 gallon, have a couple of 45 gallon pots aswell, (Can grow huge plants in small pots with coco)
I have a fairly decent plant number so is easier and a lot cheaper to go with smaller pot sizes and water more frequently.

what sorta nutes an that do you put on em?
Tap water is fine but seedlings and very young plants will grow a bit faster and look a little healthier using RO water from my experience.
Once they are about a foot high then the tap water won’t bother them.
(My waters bad, so you may not notice a difference in young plants

Don’t use any beneficials if your using tap water, the chlorine will kill them.

Always ph AFTER adding nutes (very important)

PH varies depending on what your growing in.

I suggest to research a little before you plant any seeds, a simple google search will tell you what ph range for your medium and give you a lot of basic growing advice. Good luck!
Thanks mate apreciate it
Mate, I've spent 20+ years on homebrewing forums & the best responses start with "It depends........"

It depends where you are & what your "Tap" water contains.

Melbourne has some of the best "tap" water in the world (ie. it contains very little dissolved chemicals) & is very "soft". Virtually a blank canvas for adding stuff. Chlorates & chloramines are added to make it "safe" to drink straight out of the tap, but they dissipate to the air after a day left to the elements.

Go to Adelaide & you wouldn't want to drink the tap water, as it has a shitload of stuff in it that makes it almost undrinkable. Trust me - I've tried & almost gagged.

If you're in an area that uses bore water, you're gonna need to get your water tested to find out just how good/bad it is.

Ph is another thing entirely.

Does that give you some food for thought?
I lived in Adelaide for 2 years,nothing wrong with the tap water there. Maybe u had a plumbing issue I drank it daily.
Something I found interesting when I was growing dwc/rdwc, is the difference in root colour when using tap water to RO water.
When I used straight tap water (450 ppm and could smell the chlorine! Lol)
Roots were amazingly white, I found when I was using RO water, any little issue like a light leak, water temp crept too high or a bubbler stopped working that it wouldn’t take long for the roots to get that light brown/unhealthy colour to them, if I saw this colour I would run my next bucket with pure tap water and use tap water when topping up, next bucket change roots would be pure white! Lol.
Cheapest additive to prevent root rot :lol:

you shouldn’t be able to smell chlorine at the levels found in tap water. Your probably smelling the reaction of chlorine reacting with something added to the water such as urea. You can check this easily with a couple of buckets of rain water and some pool chlorine, add the chlorine to the water at 4-5x the recommended dose. Leave for a few hours- a day with the lid on. Next day smell the buckets, now add 1-2 ml of pee to one of the buckets and leave them when you come back the one you added pee to will smell like a pool while the other won’t smell.