Aussie Growers Thread

thats what i want to do, i mean who is so hard up they selling weed to kids
As much as you may want to do this, you'll only end up pushing her further away and risk having the cops called on you.
Being 16, I don't think there's a whole heap you can do besides have a chat to her about it and let her know why you want her to not do it. She'll still do it but all you can hope is she doesn't do it too often!
problem is my daughter (16) is stealing money and getting weed from her bitches at school,,,

what should i say/do when she gets home, come down hard, or just forget it, just seem hippocritical if i go off but she's to young to smoke and be hanging out with all the dropkicks at school
Id wager most of us were smoking at 16. i dont see that as the issue.
id be worried about the stealing.
thats what i want to do, i mean who is so hard up they selling weed to kids
Tbh mate you need to have a chat with your daughter tell her you love and support her no matter what. But you also need to say this isn’t the right age to get into this stuff and that it’s hard to not do it when everyone else is doing it and they seem fine and tell her not to be a sheep make her own path and that if she says no I don’t want to do it to her “friends” and they keep pushing ask her would a real mate push it on you.

Then go to those mofo’s house and do it so she doesn’t find out and give em a touch up
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so after school today she denies every thing,
Of course she does, because her "friends" told her deny deny deny. I've got a 15yr old daughter going on 35. I feel your pain mate. Is she at the stage that she questions everything you do or opposes every view you have formed. That's always a great night's fun
problem is my daughter (16) is stealing money and getting weed from her bitches at school,,,
As a first priority, tell her that the stealing must cease and ask if that's based on any other "needs".
Tell her that it's about trust... and family. Then give her the talk you had with her brother.

If all else fails, do you remember the story of Rapunzel, the Qld bogan child, locked in a chamber until her hair was long enough so she could perform a window escape?
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All fun and games to those types of people till they get punched in the head. Then they cry and carry on why did you do that and try and play the victim. Smash them at their front door and let them know you'll be back everyday they keep it up
Waah, waah! You don't want some fucking hypocrite cunt calling the cops on ya.

100% mate. id personally never sell to kids,i remember some of the grubs I used to buy weed off when I was young. Real fuckwits
Since I was 18, I refused to sell to under 18s. Gotta draw a line somewhere. They probably had optopns elsewhere.. but I had the Dutch seeds..
Yep. And they talk. Had a heart attack last year when I realized that the dealer a group of kids walking behind me was talking about was me! They were 15 or 16 and I do not sell to youngsters. Ever. No exceptions. I'm old. I think everyone under 25 is a kid!!
Some arseholes scoring for them and telling them all about it. Bad as I'm well known have my own kids older than them.
So she finally caved in last night and admitted to using my browser to transfer the cash, not to smart as wasnt to hard to prove, she kept up the bullshit till about 1030 which was sad, that it took so long to own up,:( still denies the weed and lighter found in her room tho, and said shes was just buying stuff at the canteen :wall:
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Just a river running under my house,lost a heap of power tools and my roof sprung a leak and fucked up my dining room floor. Crazy weather hey.

Bugger sorry to hear mate, i got off easy just some water through the garage and shed, driveway washed out. Sad to see people not far away their houses destroyed and floating away, and hundreds of head of cattle going down river.

Farkin hell dude, I couldn't imagine that much rain! We're lucky to get that in a year!

Yes my station recorded 492mm for all of 2019 so to get 898mm in one weather event is nuts, biggest flood since 1929 here. The Bush and wildlife had just gotten back to normal after the fires.
So she finally caved in last night and admitted to using my browser to transfer to cash, not to smart as wasnt to hard to prove, she kept up the bullshit till about 1030 which was sad, that it took so long to own up,:(
The stealing is the main thing you gotta address, the smoking is gonna happen wether you like it or not if she's already getting into it

Better yet make her do chores/work and pay her in weed so she isn't out buying pgr
Hi team. Given this shitty weather, has anyone got any cheap and cheerful ideas on how to safely dry about a 1/2 p at a time, without stinking out the whole neighbourhood?
I typically have just hung in in my toolshed or laundry but the midday ambient RH was 85% today, so not happening.
I just laugh when the Murcans say 'burp your jars' - fat lot of good that's going to do in these conditions. I can't get it close to ready for a jar and it's going to start backing-up soon.
(Perpetual grow here, I can't hack those long days of trimming a whole 9 week's worth in one go)