Aussie Growers Thread

Yeah mate, seems to have been going on for years. Pretty much every new member that tried to hang around here got hit with it.

You left a pretty big dent in a coupla heads on here! Good luck man!
Not every one! I don't believe that I was tarred with that brush, and remain free from it.
It's easy to avoid buying in to the melee.
Just post your pics and discuss the weed that you and others grow, FFS. You can agree with some of the posts and laugh at others, without poking the sleeping bear.
Recipe for a simpler life.
Cop left his personal phone number in the safe and said call me. So i did and he laughed saying thanks for the money im buying another house. Fucking dirty cunt.
Green Crack clones @ 10 weeks on 11/13 under 600W HPS:


OK, my photographic skills are lacking, as I have an old camera without macro function & just hold it up to a jeweller's loupe to get pic's.

They've been on a light feeding schedule (about 0.8 EC) for the past few weeks, so I'm winding-down to the close.

They're foxtailing a bit, but I put that down to stressing them a few times in the past month by forgetting to put the F&D riser back in the flood table when I did a res. change. That would mean that they went without food & water for a week at a time, a couple of weeks apart.

My thinking right now is that I'll leave them for another week before chopping, with no more watering/feeding from about Wed/Thursday & do the chop on Saturday. Then do a thorough clean of everything & reset with another 9 clones.

This is the first time I've ever taken plants to-term inside. Any thoughts on my plan? 'Happy to take any input/guidance from more experienced indoor growers.
Has anybody used this seed bank with any success,,
Any comments welcomed


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Thanks Gazza308,
I smelled a rat when they didn't have a PayPal option on their site,, but after contacting them they said they can supply, but it wasn't a PayPal invoice,, it was just a dodgy looking email address,,
Let's hope some others read this,, I appreciate your input
Any weed related buisness using PayPal is a bit suss seeing as paypal have a zero tolerance on any drug related industry whether legal or not and will seize accounts and funds