Aussie Growers Thread

Yeah I think GB was their coup de grace. I'm so glad seedsman sent me that freebie it's the best strain I've found to date. Even the not-best phenos of it have been better than most other stuff I've grown.Screenshot_20220623-103004_Signal.jpg
I've just started some Chiquita Banana fems indoors. Germinated on day the Queen died.
Maybe I will remember to give a nod to Lizzie when I have a toke on these all going well.
Maybe I won't remember though ....... more likely.
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Well-Known Member

Yesterday at 10:36 PM
sunni said:
We do sell advertising space

.org is not specific to not for profits its open to anyone its a common misconception you have to be a not for profit to use .org
Ok thanks, so why are the mod positions volunteer in that case? I'm not trying to be facetious just seems a bit odd that a for profit business would advertise for positions that are volunteer. Is that even legal is there no awards or minimum wage requirements in your jurisdiction?

@Kix I wanted to reply to this in the appropriate thread but it seems you scared the thread into being closed. Is working for free an American thing? Does it come from their slave days you think? Fair enough if it was a not for profit company but would have to be shaky on legal grounds as a for profit? At least in Australia it would be.
I had a mate who was a Mod on an Australian motorcycle forum and it paid min wage.
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[IMG alt="klx"][/IMG]
Well-Known Member

Yesterday at 10:36 PM

Ok thanks, so why are the mod positions volunteer in that case? I'm not trying to be facetious just seems a bit odd that a for profit business would advertise for positions that are volunteer. Is that even legal is there no awards or minimum wage requirements in your jurisdiction?

@Kix I wanted to reply to this in the appropriate thread but it seems you scared the thread into being closed. Is working for free an American thing? Does it come from their slave days you think? Fair enough if it was a not for profit company but would have to be shaky on legal grounds? At least in Australia it would be.
I had a mate who was a Mod on an Australian motorcycle forum and it paid min wage.

haha I was in the middle of replying to her when it got locked. I know how it works and they do as well I was just trying to bring it into the light and make them say it out loud.