Aussie Growers Thread

should i rock the new light with the seeds i just got on the same day as the light arrived, or stick with what i had planed (karma bitch) that i know whats up with and how to grow, easy peasy, that is the question?
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should i rock the new light with the seeds i just got on the same day as the light arrived, or stick with what i had planed (karma bitch) that i know whats up with and how to grow, easy peasy, that is the question?
The purpose of being a tester for the new light is to establish how it performs compared to other units, yes?

If you go introducing unknown seeds/strains into the mix, you'll never know if it's superior genetics in the plants or the effect of the light itself.

I'd say stick with your known Karma Bitch & known medium, nutes etc. & that way, you'll know the results from ONLY changing the lighting.

@bursto is right on the money here (pardon the obvious pun:)).

Given we're about to go into winter, the 600W HPS in a 1200x1200 is a good suggestion where you live. HPS is a cheap initial cost, but more expensive to run. The beauty is that HPS will provide the heat. If you're only going to grow indoors in winter, that will do exactly what you want.

Start with the end in mind & then factor-in how much time, effort & $'s you want to put-in.

Will you be growing organically? Hydro? Do you want something you're going to want to tend-to frequently, or a "set & forget" for a week at a time kinda set-up?

Lots of questions yet to be answered. Lots of people to bounce ideas-off....

man if u worried bout cost of 1. 600 watt hps stop growing.
same if ya paranoid don't grow.
Lil paranoia a good thing but if all ya doing is stressing time to hung up the lights for good.

1.2 x 1.2 tent run a 600 watt hps an 315 cmh or a 400 hps
easily handle 1000 watts with 150mm inlet an outlet fan.
summer time run a 1100mm x 1100mm 650watt light bar
Meijiu Lighting company $900 sent by sea
cheapish good quality led.
I recommend the f8 but might have something better nowadays been a few yrs since I bought my lights.
meijiu on alibaba.
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Hows everyone's outdoor girls going?
Looking to be good year for mold :wall:
I have rot-resistant varietals, so I only have a few patches in the biggest buds. Most are chopped now and some have a white fungal network in the buds currently drying.
Only 2 sativas remain growing outdoors. Both are Haze x South African. No rot evident yet.
I’m located in the US looking for Australian Bastard seeds. Wondering if anybody here can help me out. I’d be happy to pay for them or trade seeds.
Yeah., mate. I was brought-up (kicking & screaming in protest) as a Catholic. 'Never embraced it.

Over the years, I've come to realise that the christian celebrations of chritmas & easter are nothing more than hijacking Pagan celebrations of the changes of the seasons, solstices, equinoxes etc.
With you there on that one. Catholic school never embraced me. The main thing Iearnt regarding my 7 years attendance was not to send my own kids to one. Hopefully times have changed, but in my day, whilst peers at the Public school were learning about Volcanoes etc, I was on my knees learning about the fear of God. No wonder I spent decades embroiled with a narcotic habit. Not that I blame them, but that experience surely did not help. Now I am much much wiser as my posts exhibit. ha!
My recent trip to China. My Chinese nephew in law turned born again Christian, some years ago, got to the stage, whilst living with his Grand mother, in her house mind you, he vehemently protested about "The Family Board and her burning of incense to false gods" where most Chinese give thanks and offering to their ancestors, especially on those "pagan ceremony" days. That did not go down well with me, or my mothe in law for that matter.

My mother in law had been quietly worried about, who is going to look after her grave site, her remains in that "after" world. Easter in China is known as "tomb sweeping" day, where all families go to their ancestors grave sites, clean them up a bit, make offerings, scare away the bad spirits sort of thing as has been done for centuries. Centuries mind you!! The fireworks are deafening. Silly? Not for me, more so respect. It has been happening for centuries, hence my mother in law's fear, regarding who is going to look after her in her after life with the eldest male now turned "Born Again Christian."

Who is going to light the Incense for her was a real qustion. Consider the heritage. Anyways, with any "born again", new recruit to any religion, the shine does wear off eventually, and he, after many years, did come to his senses last month and then took the family out, brought the incense, the fake money etc and participated physically. It was a water shed moment. My mother inlaw was so happy, she cried, it was an eternal concern for her, such is China, though not to be confused with the modern China. Hang onto your hats on that one.

Relevance to this topic/thread.. The world revolves, somethings in life are worth preserving. A belief in a peace loving all encompassing love of all creatures, can't be really a bad thing, no matter of the ethnicity of those believing such things. And don't believe the buyllshit of the envious west, as things now stand.

One of my pics of China, the China I love. To be honest, if you have not been there, and for some reason end up with a negative opinion on China, an entity that has spanned over 5000, not just 500 years, well you need to open your mind and .. above all, forget about the News Headlines and be your own interpretor.
Above all, be your own interpretor.. I Love it, for unlike most, I have been there!


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