so its true miyagi these genius's of the industry can make weed smell and taste like other shet?
It's purely terpene production manipulation imo.
The hop industry does the same thing (and remember hops and marijuana are like cousins). Myrcene is a terpene found in both hops and marijuana...used heavily in the perfume industry. There are hops that have flavours ranging from peach, plum, passionfruit and other tropical fruits. Doesn't surprise me that the same thing would be happening in marijuana as in hops...but to my surprise it is actually happening on a grander scale in marijuana than in hops. Victoria (a hop that is not in commercial production) is a hop that is fucking unreal...yet you will never get to try a beer (unless you try some of mine) with that smell and aroma because it might not sell as well...commercial viability is a bitch.
On a side note...myrcene and other terpenes react with thc in a way, which has been coined the 'entourage effect' can eat a mango an hour before you smoke to theoretically increase your high...a reason why one should crush up their weed in their fingers and smell the herb before they smoke it...
further reading - hey I get a kick out of this shit.
Imagine making a hash like substance with bubble bags from hops, thyme, mint, rosemary or other herbs with 'entourage effect' terpenes and manipulating the high of the bubble hash that you have...same bubble hash but mixed with different herbal extracts manipulating the product....interesting.