It's a great feeling when drunk closed minded individuals put down tokers as 'drug addicts' while they scoff beers and, panadol..
I don't wake up with a hangover, nor get the urge to beat ppl up after a toke.
All that aside, just respect the choices I make for myself as I do yours

Ome- I'm absolutely against 'cruelty' some conditions that are deemed acceptable for farmed livestock I find disturbing. Even more reason for me to slaughter my own, more out if respect, if I'm prepared to eat it sold from a butcher shop.. Respect!! To all earth creatures
Hens will lay 1 egg per day, so get as many as you need. What type of chicken, and where to get them depends. I have Australorps (Aussie, good utility bird for egg and meat production, quiet, large sized black birds, can bea bit cheeky) and Isa browns, which are a sex link bird, soley egg producer, these are the ones used as battery hens.
Hens moult in autumn and they produce less eggs after that so buy young chicks around this time get full productivity. A rooster is up to you, they will fertilize the eggs but you can still eat them. Local councils can have rules against keeping a rooster.
When they get old mate, eat them, or somebody can eat them, circle of life brother