Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
fuck im high too just to let ya'll know! decided it would do me go to have a break been years had a day off... couldnt handle it any longer feel better now... hehe @miyagi kent i miss ya! yeh the carbon filters run good backwards ive found....


Well-Known Member
shann dropped you a email khuzzie! well looks like the next grow is funded by local aussies pretty stoked everyones keen to give a hand! thanks to all should be SLH, HBD, fiwh you havent made ya mind but yaaa fuckers come at me!! good start to kicking off a.c.u.n.t lads.... Hey Ome you know flowamaster by chance haha? mega impressed with his work and want to know moar....


Well-Known Member
hehe looks like a another fella from the site is gonna chuck me some beans pretty excited bout this one Sannies Jackberry x SLH Lemon Jack the x is named... gonna be doing a journal on em..

Tran Dinh

Well-Known Member
Woah! Way to much stoner chatter to catch up!!! Mad chit:bigjoint:
Nice nice mijone, from what I can see from this handheld bs anyway.

Time for a neem drench boys, these gnats chose the wrong cannabis guy to set up digs:bigjoint:
Peace all, hope everyone is stayin cool.
Ryan, Good on ya for the beans coming your way mate well deserved mate!

Tran Dinh

Well-Known Member
I spent most of yesterday either asleep or in a stoned daze, between the heat and slh cones: fuck dup! 12 hour sleep 8pm-8am, now I'm deciding what flavor to start today with.. damn I need more sativa in my jars!


Well-Known Member
@tran ahh ya beast! yeh hoping to come out of the indica slums and get my satty game up! wow man pretty stoked slh in the tent slh x jackberry too im thinking horribleherk chose a good cross with that one lemons and berrys sounds like a winner!


Well-Known Member
faaark some people are stupid, i really got to vent this so this seems like a good place. i was looking at a thread on another site of this guys grow and in the post he mentioned his plants were going so good and they were only on day 7.

ok so looking at his plants they were clearly not on day 7 so this peaked my interest because if they were on day 7 i needed to know how this guy was getting such good growth.
i went back to the start of his thread and the date said that he started the grow like 4 weeks ago. so i went through his thread just to make sure i wasnt some how confused and on 3 seperate posts this guys says that his plants are only 7 days old? this guy just keeps saying his palnts are 7 days as if hes trying to look like some kind of supr grower or something. does anyone actually fall for this shit? i really want to call him out but im just not mean enough lol so im venting here sorry guys


Well-Known Member
AAARRRGHAHAHAHA! Fucking Ryan ya madman I hope so biatch!
@Tran i want to taste the cut, not the beans. When I come visit make sure you save some primo SLH for me bruv.
Putting it out there if you can pack me a one hit quitter I'll buy a cut for a Gbanger! Seriously, I know your a legend and would hand it over free but for others who are tight cunts, I dare you to blow me away!
(tongue planted firmly in cheek)Peace to my aussie coptic zionist brothers


Well-Known Member
dude im hopin! they're looking prime still vegging the suckers fucking slow stuff id rather flower time haha iv'e got my moby and darkstar almost wrapped up just checking the ages before there around 6 weeks i think.. only a couple to go...

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
Oh please, I hope my ssh is a female...

Hopefully we should see some more action at the eend of the month. Then it's either chop chop or sit back and wait.