Aussie Growers Thread

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
Nice one...this vk from seed? Lettuce know how it is after cured...if it does indeed smell and taste like vanilla...I may buy a 5 pack.

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
Too many strains, too little time.

We should set up a new country within Australia and grow fields and fields of the stuff...I'll be the minister for foreign affairs...means I get to talk to Kevin Rudd and bone some tight back packers...


Well-Known Member
@fiwh man gotta love it bro! i finally enjoyed some of the fruits of our labour and geez fairly impressed for our first grow! @ome man i could be a caregiver!


Well-Known Member
every yr instead o an election for prime minister we have a little canabis cup and whoever brings the most prime becomes the prime minister lol


Well-Known Member
@ buck yeah from seed man. i dont know about the vanilla yet no sign of it so far, she will start stinking soon enough though. she is nowhere near as smelly as the buddha, the buddha is one stinky bitch its like someone parked a truck full of fruit in the sun for a month then parked it up under my house and opened the doors lol


Well-Known Member
oh and after looking into the minsterships (is that even a word?) i have decided im going to be minister of tourism, major events, hospitality and racing.

that way i can also get me a slice of that back packer action lol, throw some kick ass parties, invite everyone back to my pad to blaze it up and gamble away to my hearts content lol


Well-Known Member
i confirmed it myself lol its definately the KUSH pheno for that darkstar! spitting image of the sites photo... @tran i know its prob's not the best kush but do most kushes put you on ya ass??


Well-Known Member
yup 80-90 days. shes at 39 days now so nearing the half way mark. such a long wait but its going to be so worth it i think. if these buds are only half there finished size they will be monsters


Well-Known Member
from what i have heard of the darkstar its pretty devastating. more heresay on my part lol. i need to do more growing and less reading lol


Well-Known Member
oh really bro? most dudes say its weak and shit! but yeh idk bout these yanks sometimes they fairly have they're head up there ass unless its og or some shit! but me on the other hand havent devastated myself before so i might be in for a rather large treat... where you hearing this fiwh?


Well-Known Member
Man i wanted to grow a laughing strain glad you did cant wait to see if the hypes real or not... man i would love to lose my shit in a laughing fit! the chronic i had a couple months back gave me the giggles but yeh iv'e heard big laughing and laughing buddha will cause fits of laughter!!


Well-Known Member
i dont know about the fits of laughter. maybe? as you know i had to remove some tops because they were herming on me, well i wasnt about to waste them so i had them drying away and yesterday they were ready to smoke so i rolled myself up a big joint.

now i know the high will change a lot before its through but this was a good little smoke. vast improvement on the little popcorn buds i had last week.
very smooth smoke not much in the flavour department yet but i dont doubt that when shes ripe and has a good cure that will improve.

bit of a creeper i was halfway through my joint before i reallised what was going on and i just thought it was weak because it was premmie but by the time i finished the joint the effect just kept stacking up and i was smashed.

really nice stone loads of energy i cleaned the whole house yesty top to bottom under the couch cushions and in every nook and cranny that kind of clean so yeah i was up and about alright. problem is i was totally baked out of my brain. kept walking from room to room getting distracted and picking things up and moving them then not being able to find them etc. i can tell u next time i will only be rolling a halfie but i was really impressed with the energy levels. oh and once it wore off that was it clean break no bongover.

im really looking forward to the finished product