Oh really..???? Shit man, I was told it should happen in a day or 2..!!!
So do they stay in the moist paper towe, in the glad bag (In the dark???) and just check each day till they have a tail..??
Yah mon. Some say between 2 plates, I just say somewhere warm but not too hot. Depends on genetics, age of seeds, state of seeds etc but usually at least a few days for me with that method bro.
People say if it floats it is infertile too. The mango floated Overnight and never sank. She went into p.towel etc for I reckon 2wks and nothin but mould on ptowel, which I changed and put away again. After maybe another wk nothing... so into cloning gel and back into ptowel etc... checked 4 days later and it was a 3 inch sprout, first true leaves opening and yellowing from me nearly waiting too long.
Cheers Miyagisan, I just wanted to make sure it was working before I had a crack at the WW because they are the bad boys I really want to see grow..!!
I've only ever used clones before which I have never known the strain, so this time I thought Feck it, I'll buy some nice beans and see what happens..
I'd rep ya if I could but i have to spread it round first hehehehe..
Peace bro..!!
Big weekend lined up eh..????
You only need 1 and do your own clones... Practice makes perfect I guess. I've gotten so used to growing from clones I panic when germing stuff too, that's why now I use the old "sproutz" kit, works well and makes me feel safe, ah
When I was cracking some Mulanje gold, Malawi gold and Mozambique poison last year it took near a week of being in wet paper towels that were kept warm before they came out to say hello...
yeh havent sussed it yet fucking totalled bro big big big day on the knives... 2 beasts 320+280kg Dressed and 6 goats 6 lambs like 60kg+ fucking two-toothers feck it!! Can see tasty potential in moby...